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"Minesse," he said one day to the white cat, he told all his troubles to her; it was of no use to talk to Ma'am Jeanne, she was too deaf to understand, "Minesse, we are gettin' po'. You' pere git h'old, an' hees han's dey go no mo' rapidement, an' dere be no mo' soirees dese day. Minesse, eef la saison don' hurry up, we shall eat ver' lil' meat." And Minesse curled her tail and purred.

Eef somebody cross de track and don't never come back, den de magic ain't in de track no more. But it's watchin', watchin' all round to catch somebody what cross its track; and if nobody don't cross its track and get catched, den de de Ting mebby get crazy mad, and nobody don' know what it's goin' for do. Kill every person, mebby." Tom mused over this information.

When the wolves saw Baptiste, who swung a gleaming axe about his head, as he shouted, "Chiens donc! I'll split your heads eef I get at you!" they stopped short, and even retreated a little, drawing themselves together in a sort of group in the middle of the road, snapping their teeth and snarling in a half-frightened, half-furious manner. But Baptiste was not to be daunted.

Startled, Stane cried out. "You saw him shoot " "Oui! I not know why he do eet. But I tink he want zee girl to lose herself dat he may find her. Dat I tink, but I not tell heem dat. Non! Yet I tell heem what I see, an' he ees afraid, an' say he tell zee mounters he haf seen me, eef I say he ees dat man. So I not say eet, but all zee time he ees zee man.

When all were seated Schonholz made a statement which was followed with results more astounding to the peace of the coterie than anything which had occurred since the men came together. "I haf bad news, boys," he began, "offle bad news. Mine fader has wrote dat home I must. Nod anuder mark he say vill he gif me. Eef I could sell somedings but dat ees very seldom.

Why, you ain't goin' to give me up air you?" said Zac, dolefully. "O, no, not eef you don't want me to," said Margot. "But to-day I moos go to ze comtesse, an' afterward you sall ask her, eef you want me." At this, which was spoken in a timid, hesitating way, Zac took her in his arms, and gave her a tremendous smack, which Terry tried hard not to hear.

In a few moments the lynx went back to the venison, and began eating it voraciously, only stopping to snarl when the young men spoke or moved. The fire was very low, the room had been well aired, and the two were thinly clad. Before long their teeth were chattering. "Eef Ah can get heem away from door, Ah'll roon an' get goon an' feex heem!"

Archie hurried aboard to find the steward, who immediately took him into the galley and introduced him to the cook, a large, fat Frenchman, with small, blue eyes set far back in his head. He seemed to be a pleasant man, and Archie thought that he would like him very much. "Well, does ze youngster vant to vork, eh! Eef he do, I say you pare zis potate for dinee as quick you can."

"Unt t'en," continued Pelletan, persuasively, fancying, no doubt, that he saw some signs of yielding in his partner's face, "eef monsieur remains, he can haf t'e house done ofer to suit heem; he can t'row away t'e furniture he does not like; he can paint out t'e marble columns; he can cause all t'e servants to pe tressed to hees taste. He would make one grand sensation!

But what eef love heemself ees pain who shall heal that, eh, Meester Carpentair?" "O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-h!" came the moan. Said Rosythe: "Mr. Carpenter thinks you make the ladies suffer too much. It worries him." "Ah, but the ladies do not mind! Pain? What ees eet? The lady who makes the groans, she cannot move, and so she ees unhappy.