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"There's no knowing how long you'll be able to afford puddings," said Rachel, dolefully. "To my mind it's extravagant to have meat and pudding both, when a month hence you may be in the poorhouse." "Then," said Jack, "I wouldn't eat any if I were you, Aunt Rachel." "Oh, if you grudge me the little I eat," said his aunt, in serene sorrow, "I will go without."

As they were marching, a very faint crackling noise vibrated through the ice under their feet. They ceased singing. Four of the party paused and would have turned back. Ootah urged them onward. They paced off half a mile. The wind increased in volume and whined dolefully. Their steps lagged. Suddenly they heard the harsh nasal bellow they knew so well.

As chance would have it, when he had got to this line there happened to come by a peasant from his own village, a neighbour of his, who had been with a load of wheat to the mill, and he, seeing the man stretched there, came up to him and asked him who he was and what was the matter with him that he complained so dolefully.

"Delia," answer'd I, "you have first to give me a reply to what, four days agone, I ask'd you. Dear girl nay then, dear comrade " I broke off, for she had come to a stop, wringing her hands and looking in my face most dolefully. "Oh, dear oh, dear! Jack, we have had such merry times: and you are spoiling all the fun!"

And I have such a cold in the head I can do nothing but sniffle, sigh and sneeze. Isn't that alliterative agony for you? Queen Anne, do say something to cheer me up." "Remember that next Thursday night, you'll be back in the land of Alec and Alonzo," suggested Anne. Phil shook her head dolefully. "More alliteration. No, I don't want Alec and Alonzo when I have a cold in the head.

Betty Billy Smith, toward the end of her visit, dolefully almost tearfully remarked upon my haggard appearance. She was very nice about it, too. I liked her immensely. It did not require half an eye to see that she was thoroughly sick of the baron and Mr. Pless. She was really quite uncivil to them toward the end. At last there came a day of deliverance.

In reverential silence we smother the cause and origin of the war. On that fundamental article of faith we leave every one to abound in his own sense. In the minister's speech, glossing on the Declaration, it is indeed mentioned, but very feebly. The lines are so faintly drawn as hardly to be traced. They only make a part of our consolation in the circumstances which we so dolefully lament.

Night dragged on, and the fires were still smouldering. Judas threw himself from the wall, and crawled to one of the fires, poked up the ashes, rekindled it, and although he no longer felt the cold, he stretched his slightly trembling hands over the flames, and began to mutter dolefully: "Ah! how painful, my Son, my Son! How painful!"

It is indeed a puzzle, is it not? Whatever possessed Anne to turn upon Amanda in such fashion, and then to run off?" and the good woman shook her head dolefully. "I'll have to sail to Brewster and fetch her home," responded the captain, but his face was very sober. He would have been glad if the Freemans had written that they would take Anne to Boston, for he did not want the child disappointed.

At last Elsmere could not bear it, and when midnight struck he sprang up with an impatient shake of his long body, and Langham took the hint, gave him a cold good-night, and went. As the door shut upon him Robert dropped back into his chair, and sat on, his face in his hands, staring dolefully at the fire. It seemed to him the world was going crookedly.