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"It's Kernel Cob and Sweetclover!" shouted Jackie and Peggs together, and in a jiffy they had them in their arms. And they all had a wonderful party of ice cream and cakes and puddings and candies, the best party ever you saw. "This is the happiest day of my life," said Father. "It is indeed," said Mother. "I never thought I could be so happy," said Peggs. "You bet," said Jackie.

He made us all very welcome, upon the hermit's recommendation, hearing that we had fasted, as I have told you. When we had well stuffed our puddings, he gave us an account of what was remarkable in the island, affirming that it had been at first inhabited by the Siticines; but that, according to the course of nature as all things, you know, are subject to change they were become birds.

Now the popularity of his establishment no doubt depended in a great degree on the sufficiency and comfort of the good things of the world which he provided. The beer was of the best; the boys were not made to eat fat; their taste in the selection of joints was consulted. The morning coffee was excellent. The cook was a great adept at cakes and puddings.

I wish He'd put me in a pantry with lots of puddings! My vorass vor what is it? Any way, it's satisfied now, Uncle James, and if you'll let me go, I'll wash myself, and get ready for Lady Benyon." Rather than let her go when she wanted to, however, Uncle James sat some time longer at table than he had intended.

Salisbury, leaning over to read certain pages with the others. "'First year," she read aloud. "'Care of kitchen, pantry, and utensils fire-making disposal of refuse table-setting service care of furniture cooking with gas patent sweepers sweeping dusting care of silver bread vegetables puddings " "Help!" said Sandy. "It sounds like the essence of a thousand Mondays!

Christmas Eve had come, and all the men who worked under Marzinne or on the farms round about were gathered in the large kitchen to eat the soup flavoured with honey followed by rich puddings, to which they were always invited on this particular night. In the middle of the table was a large wooden bowl, with wooden spoons placed in a circle round it, so that each might dip in his turn.

Well, about the puddings at least four of them were planted on the table, awfully sweet and jammy, and Uncle John was quite irritated with me because I could only eat two; and Aunt Maria, who has got as deaf as a post, kept roaring to old Major Orwell, who sat next her, "Children have no healthy appetites as in our day. Eh! what?"

Then take the smallest of the Marrow, and put it into the Puddings, with a Peny-loaf grated, a spoonful of Flower, and Spice as before; a quarter of a pound of Currants; Sugar as much as you please, four Eggs, two of the whites taken away. Cream as much as will make it as stiff as other Puddings.

Below stairs there was a comfortable meal spread upon the table, simple and homely, but sufficient for the appetites of all. The three rosy-faced apprentices, of whom a son of the house made one, formed a link at table between the family and the shopmen and serving wenches. All sat down together, and Rebecca, the daughter who lived at home, served up the hot broth and puddings.

"No 'tawberry dam," said Racey, and the corners of his mouth went down as if he were going to cry. He had been thinking of the strawberry jam, I dare say, as a sort of make up for the dry rice pudding at dinner quite dry and hard it was, not milky at all, and Mrs. Partridge knew we liked milky puddings. "Don't be so sure of that," said Sarah, who was taking away the things.