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In a brief interval Jackie was in his parent's arms, and as they lived next door to the deserted mansion, Tom was soon being thanked time and again for the rescue of the little runaway. "And is the house really haunted?" asked Tom, and then without waiting for a reply he answered his own question "but of course I know it is not."

She was very unhappy, and surprised that nothing happened to prevent it. It seemed so hard and cruel. Nevertheless, every step she took that afternoon towards the White House was bringing her nearer to help and comfort, though she did not know it. Jackie came running to meet her in the hall, arrayed in his best suit and best manners.

Horace, however, had not forgotten his old allegiance, and often dropped in of an evening with a box of candy to sit on the veranda with Elizabeth and tell her how badly his father was using him in still keeping him at school. When Elizabeth was perfectly honest with herself she was forced to confess that Horace bored her, and she wished he would stay away and let her play with Baby Jackie.

"Hey, Curly can you be out?" called Peetie and Jackie Bow Wow, the puppy dogs, as they stood in front of the piggie boys' house one morning when there was no school. I forget whether it was Saturday or because the owl lady school teacher had to go and take her music lesson. Anyhow, there was no school, and as Peetie and Jackie stood in front of the pig house and called: "Hey, Curly! Hey, Flop!

"Well," said Jackie Tar, "there isn't a trick which they can't do. Once I saw them make a little boy run up a long pole and when he came to the top he disappeared." "You mean to say they can do that?" asked the Villain. "They sure can," answered Jackie Tar. "And my idea is this: If they can do that, maybe they can show you where Jackie and Peggs' motheranfather are."

"I am all black, with a white spot on my nose. So you see it is easy to tell us apart." "Yes," agreed Alice with a laugh, "I see; that is, I would see if you kept still long enough, only you don't, for you wiggle and tumble about so much. But will you please take me home?" "Of course we will," answered Jackie, rubbing the black spot on his brother's nose with his paw.

You see he was a kind-hearted Villain, and it was too bad that he was painted to look like one at all. So he dug a hole in a snowbank and they crawled into it, and in that way they were shielded from the wind. Night came on and Kernel Cob and Jackie Tar searched about, but it was so dark that they could not tell where they were going, but only went round and round in circles.

Recalled old Jackie Deeds lurching out of that same inn yard, empty pipe in mouth, greedy of alms. Recalled the old postboy's ugly morsel of profanity "God Almighty had His jokes too." And, at that, the laughter of those loafers upon the canal bridge saluted Richard's ears once more, as did the loud, familiar phrases of Mr. Lemuel Image, the Westchurch brewer.

Once upon a time, not so very many years ago, there were two little frog boys who lived in a little pond near a nice big farm. It wasn’t very far from where Peetie and Jackie Bow-Wow, the puppy dogs, had their home, and the frogs’ house was right next door to the pen where Lulu and Alice and Jimmie Wibblewobble the ducks lived.

And so when I am grown a man I'll be a sailor, if I can, And sail upon the many seas We learn of in Geographies. And under the skillful command of Jackie Tar, they reached India. "We'd better land at night," said Jackie Tar, "so we won't be bothered with a lot of people watching us." So they waited until it was dark. "I've been thinking," said Jackie Tar.