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They looked like a suicidal Lemuel hanging there. Miss Vane went upstairs slowly, with a heavy heart. Under the hall light stood Sibyl, picturesque in the deep shadow it flung upon her face. "Aunt Hope," she began in a tragic voice. "Don't speak to me, you wicked girl!" cried her aunt, venting her self-reproach upon this victim. "It is your doing."

He left to Lemuel Cleveland the care of his house at Portland Point, and leased all his lands and buildings at the mouth of the river to Major Studholme for £60 per annum. The presence of the garrison at Fort Howe did not entirely prevent the Machias marauders from interfering with the loyal inhabitants of St. John, and Messrs.

Then they had a great time quoting it at each other, them two, and I seen the doctor is good to loaf around there the rest of the day, like as not. Purty soon the old lady begins to get mighty proud-looking over something or other, and she leans over and whispers to the old man: "Shall I bring it out, Lemuel?" The old man, he shakes his head, no.

It was owned and driven by Lemuel Lakin, but after a few years the owner sold out to Dearborn Emerson. The following advertisement from The Columbian Centinel, June 25, 1800, will give a notion of what an undertaking a trip to Boston was, at the beginning of the century:

He wanted a few thousands out of the capital, and he wrote and told his trustee as much. Sir Lemuel Levison was firm in refusing to diminish the capital that had been placed in his hands for the benefit of the spendthrift. Then John Scott in a rage, went up to London and called at the banking house of Levison Brothers.

Not a few would be disfigured for weeks, and wherever Holcroft's blows had fallen welts arose like whipcords. In Lemuel Weeks' dwelling the consternation reached its climax. Tim, bruised from his fall, limped in and told his portentous story. In his spite, he added, "I don't care, I hit him hard. His face was all bloody." "All bloody!" groaned his father. "Lord 'a mercy!

Ruth turned from him to applaud young Lemuel, who came darting into the enclosure. "See old Jonathan!" panted the boy, looking back and laughing. "That's how they ran at Louisbourg. . . . Miss Josselin, you should have made it a mile and I'd have shown you some broken-winded ones." He laughed again and turned in apology to Mr. Silk.

Labor and capital is jined just as those two was. When you've got this fact well into your skull, William, I shall be pleased to listen to your ideas at Grimsey's Hall or anywhere else." Such conservatism as Stevens's, however, was necessarily swept out of sight for the moment. The wealthier citizens were in a state bordering on panic, all but Mr. Lemuel Shackford.

Scott, and his perfection of person, manner and conversation, until the entrance of the gentlemen from the dining-room. The host and the member for Lone came in arm in arm, and a little in the rear of the other guests, and lingered behind them. "This most extraordinary young man, this Mr. Scott you have known him some time, my lord?" said Sir Lemuel Levison, in a low tone.

Quite so, quite so!” murmured Lemuel, his lips looking puffier and more cherry-fied than ever and his chin flattened itself back till he looked like a frustrated old hen who did not understand the perplexities of life and was clucking to find out, after having been startled half out of its senses.