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Then to the Egyptian Gavin said firmly "You mean well, but you are doing this poor woman a cruelty in holding out hopes to her that cannot be realised. Sympathy is not meal and bedclothes, and these are what she needs." "And you who live in luxury," retorted the girl, "would send her to the poorhouse for them. I thought better of you!" "Tuts!" said the doctor, losing patience, "Mr.

The poorhouse was not an imposing structure, but it could boast of antiquity, as it had been built long, long ago for the purpose for which it was now used. It was not difficult for Johanson to locate the poorhouse poet. His room, like the other two, opened directly on the vestibule. On his own door he had been allowed to paint his name and publish his chosen occupation:

Those who witness a performance of Gerhart Hauptmann's "Hannele" and fail to be stirred by the grandeur and depth of that masterpiece, regardless of its petty poorhouse atmosphere, deserve to see nothing else than the "Wizard of Oz."

I say that a'ny man what can't take kere o' himself, not ter mention his wife, should orter go ter the poorhouse." But the matriarch's voice quavered even more than usual, and as she finished she hastily bent down and felt in her deep skirt-pocket for her snuff-box. Now the Amazonian Mrs.

The two boys were destined to have another adventure that night. "I didn't mean to hit him," said Frank, as he and Philip hurried away from the poorhouse, "I only intended to give him a fright." "I think you have. I wonder whether he recognized us!" "I don't believe it. He had hardly got his head out of the window before I let drive." "Then he won't imagine I have escaped."

Whoever would, might hear where the new poorhouse was to stand, and where the orphan home, and know that the little red cottage, just like any other, was for a musical composer, who must have one large room built with special care and according to all the most scientific acoustic rules; for there he was to have a fine organ, which was now being constructed in the most particular manner.

No chance of the poorhouse for a month, mother. Before that has gone by something may turn up." Harvest came, and for the time Herbert was busy. He could not afford to hire assistance, and was obliged to do all the work himself. When all was finished, and his share of the vegetables sold, he sat down to count up his profits.

"Oh, dear!" sighed the old man. "Take 'em, then." "They're awfully dusty," complained Nell, as she looked at the sugar bowl and pitcher. "That's 'cause they're so old and valuable, my dear," snarled the old man. "But my wife she dust them off for you, and I wrap them up, though I ought to charge you a penny for a sheet of paper. But what I care if I dies in the poorhouse."

"I guess I'll have to go to the poorhouse after all," she began in a hushed voice, as if fearful of being overheard. "Oh, I wouldn't give up! Mr. Randolph said it would take time." "But I can't wait! The woman thought I was going, and she's rented my room, and she won't let me stay another night!

Neighbors shunned him as they would a criminal. And here has come the end at last. He will be taken to the poorhouse, to die there a pauper!" "And all," said I, partly speaking to myself, "because a man, too lazy to work at an honest calling, must needs go to rum-selling."