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He added persuasively: "We want you to navigate us. Will you?" "No." "Will you help us, Captain Carter? Tell your cub, this Haljan, to yield." Carter roared, "Get back from there. There is no truce!" I shoved aside his leveled projector. "Wait a minute, Miko. Navigate where?" "That is our business. When you come out here, I will give you the course."

Alfred was becoming more and more restive under the seeming absurdity of their persistent opposition, but before he could think of a polite way of over-ruling them, Aggie continued persuasively. "You stay with Zoie," she said. "I'll bring the boys in here and you can both have a look at them." "But Aggie," argued Alfred, puzzled by her illogical behaviour, "would it be wise to wake them?"

That young gentleman gazed at him in amazed silence. Gradually, a light broke in upon him. "Look here, Ike, what in thunder do you mean?" "I say, boss," said Ike persuasively, "just go easy. You oughn't to excite yourself. 'Taint good for you, and 'taint good for me, either. My doctor says so. I wouldn't persecute your enquiries at this late hour of the night." Ike's gravity was imperturbable.

'Well, lass, he continued persuasively, sitting up in his chair, 'us ignored young Fred for more till twenty year. And it wasna' right. Hannah said it wasna' right as Fred should suffer for his mother and his grandfeyther. And then us give Fred and your John an equal chance, and John's lost, and now John isna' satisfied, by all accounts. She gazed at him with a gentle smile.

Weston kindly and persuasively, "I certainly do feel tempted to give. Miss Fairfax, you must not run such risks. Liable as you have been to severe colds, indeed you ought to be particularly careful, especially at this time of year. The spring I always think requires more than common care.

He would present a policy of our opponents charmingly, even persuasively, and then add, after a moment's pause: "There is only one objection to this, my friends that it doesn't work." It was all in the way he said it, of course. The audience would go wild with approval, and shouts of "that's right" could be heard here and there. Then he proceeded to show why it didn't work.

She actually began to characterize her recent mental attitude to her past life as morbid. "Oh!" he murmured absently, with gloomy hesitation, as he manipulated the pencil. She went on still more persuasively: "I suppose you've got a new secretary?" "No," he said, as though it fatigued and annoyed him to dwell on the subject.

"Kong Ho," he said pleasantly, "what the Chief Evil Spirit are you doing up there?" adding persuasively, "Come down, there's a good fellow. I have something important to tell you." Thus appealed to, the one Fang hesitated in doubt, seeing on the one hand a certain loss of face if he declined the conversation, and on the other hand having no clear perception of what was required from him.

"If you like, I will row you across to the other side. Why should you go all that way round?" "Oh! no, please don't trouble," said Sina, feeling strangely shy. "Yes, let him row you across," said little Grischka persuasively, "for there's such a lot of mud on the bank." "Very well, then. You can go back to your mother." "Aren't you afraid to cross the fields alone?" asked the boy.

Bucket with his head persuasively on one side and his forefinger pendant at one ear like an earring, "we can't be too private just at present. You will presently see that we can't be too private.