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"Better leave him here till he gets over it," said another. "That'll be the best way." "Who'd have thought a little dodger like that would upset him?" said somebody else. "By George we'll all get found out, through him." "Whads mare?" said Frank, meaning to ask, "What is the matter?" but somehow he could not make his organs of articulation go off right. "'Zis wachecall drung?" "Can ye walk?"

"And I monsieur, I hate zis ongrateful child! I theenk I hate your whole ongrateful race I served your wife like one slave! And for Miss Octavia I was like two slaves! Zis child has ever hated me! I am weary of your whole race I shall go back to ze country where I belong " So there they stood, those two antagonists, the woman with her eyes snapping and the outraged child with the tears streaming.

Bonker vill make a fool of me," he muttered, and hastily bursting from the circle of spectators, hurried towards the Count, who appeared to be busied in keeping the curious away from the Chieftain's hammer. "Bonker, vat means zis?" he demanded. "Your hammer," smiled the Count. "A hammer zat takes tree men " "Hush!" whispered the Count. "They are only holding it down!"

The nurse seemed confused, and bowed her head until he could not see her face fairly. "Oh, maybe I have ze very ugly ear, monsieur. Eef not zat, mebbe I like ze way I do ze hair. You know one time ze many girl do ze hair zis way like Cleo de Merode." "Well, you don't need to advertise yourself, and that was one of Cleo's advertising dodges. Have you a brother?" "A brothaire?" "Yes."

We were angry; but the doctor was always serene, always smooth-voiced. He said: "At last! How imposing the Louvre is, and yet how small! How exquisitely fashioned! How charmingly situated! Venerable, venerable pile " "Pairdon, Doctor, zis is not ze Louvre it is " "What is it?" "I have ze idea it come to me in a moment zat ze silk in zis magazin " "Ferguson, how heedless I am.

"I am much obliged," Mr. Pericles bowed. "she is ruined. I have suspected. Ha! But I ask for a note! One!" This imperious signal drew her to another attempt. The deplorable sound that came sent Emilia sinking down with a groan. "Basta, basta! So, it is zis tale," said Mr. Pericles, after an observation of her huddled shape. "Did I not say "

"See, I will give you ziss," he said, handing Tom the little iron button. "I haf' two see? I will tell you about zis," he added, drawing close and holding it so that Tom could see. "It is made from ze cannon in my pappa's regiment. Zis is when Alsace and Lorraine were lost you see? Zey swear zey would win or die together and so zey all die except seventy.

A light seemed to come into the bandit's countenance. It was as if someone had put a lantern behind his face. "You!" he cried, enraptured. "You ze nephew zat owns zis ranch?" Gilbert came farther into the room. Everyone now had turned back, stood stock still, listening to these two. "Yes," said young Jones. "I am. What of it?" He didn't understand matters at all.

Then the Frenchman said: "As humanity compels me to gif immediate attention to my men, wounded by ze unprovoked assault of your barbarians, I sall at once carry zem to my sheep, where I sail immediately also report zis outrage to my commandant."

When I come this evening I may be able to speak more definitely. In the meantime I will give you something to soothe and reduce your fever!" The French maid followed the doctor out, leaving the door ajar in her haste, and in an audible whisper said: "I say, docteur, is it not ze smallpox? Zere is so much around. Tell me true, for I must leave zis very minute."