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Even as he spoke, fumbling the lock of his gun, that same head observed before suddenly popped over the high rail like Punch at a pantomime. "Vat zat you say, nigger?" its owner cried doubtingly. "Vas it ze olif you haf zare in ze leetle boat?" I eagerly held up into view a choice handful of green fruit, my eyes hopeful. "Oui, Señor Oppercer fresh olibs; same as ob your lan'."

And I ne-var gets zat diamond back. He make me so much trouble. I am mistake for him so many times." Gusher now proposed that they should fill their glasses again, which they did, the rest of the company joining and drinking to the health of the family. "That he is taken for you," resumed Romer, "might be considered a compliment, as far as looks go.

Zen zat gentleman he pays to me his compliment like one grand rascal. He persecute my 'onar, and he make me so many friends " "Really, Mr. Gusher," interrupted Mrs. Chapman, encouragingly, "then it is all the result of jealousy? I had a suspicion that there was something of the kind at the bottom of it." "You shall zee, madam, it was be-cause ze lady prefar me.

Pauvre fellow, you cold you hoongrai you starve youselfs. And you give me hot grogs, and varm fires, and someting to eats. I no give you ze gold vatch. Mais non mais non mais non. Voila. I take zat hankshife, blue as ze skies of France, and I wear him roun' my necks. Give me hims."

"Already the people of Hastor are questioning the purpose of so great a fleet fully manned with fighting-men. I wonder much that word of it has not before reached Zat Arras. A cruiser awaits above at your own dock; let us leave at " A fusillade of shots from the palace gardens just without cut short his further words.

He insisted upon opening the door wide, and getting Bunker to address him as "Tollyvoddle," in a strident voice, "so zat zey all may hear," and then answering in a firm "Yes, Count Bonker, vat vould you say to me?" It is true that he instantly closed the door again, and even bolted it, but his display seemed to make a vast impression upon himself.

"You must show me this curious photograph, Archie, after lunch," said Barret; "it must be splendid." "But it is not so splendid as my dolly," chimed in Flo. "I'll show you zat after lunch too." Accordingly, after the meal was over, Archie carried Barret off to his workshop.

It is hard to say whether the shriek of Pollyooly or the terrific bellow of his august sire was the sharper spur to the prince's legs; but he saved the rounder. "Sblendid! 'e did not roon like an ox," said the grand duke almost proudly. "Vhat did you write vas ze name of zat leedle anchel?"

Ze sea is always troubled, and so am I. Zat Marie she left me so suddenness I know not where are all my things I depend so much on her " "Has Miss Downs left?" Cora could not refrain from asking. "Ha! Yes! Zat is eet. Precisely. So quickly she go away an' leaf me. She does not think much about it, perhaps, but I am too busy to be so annoyed.

They rejoined, "By the truth of the Messiah and the Monks and the Primate and the Metropolitan, we see none save you two!" Then the Infidels laid shackles on their feet and set men to guard them during the night, whilst Zat al-Dawahi fared on and disappeared from their sight.