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But I could not go on with one ox. So a horse team was hired to take us to the next town, Gothenburg, thirteen miles distant. The lone ox was led behind the wagon. Again I hired a horse team to haul the wagon to Lexington. At Lexington I thought the loss of the ox could be repaired by buying a pair of heavy cows and breaking them in to work, so I purchased two out of a band of two hundred cattle.

"Why do you think so?" said he; but his tongue was becoming thick, though his eyes were getting brighter. "Because," she said, "a widower is an odd critter." "Odd?" he replied, "in what way odd, dear?" "Why," said the girl, "an ox of ourn lately lost his mate, and my brother called him the odd ox, and not the single ox, and he is the most frolicksome fellow you ever see.

The things which I call existing are those which can be seen or touched; as a farm, a house, a wall, a gutter, a slave, an ox, furniture, provisions, and so on; of which kind of things some require at times to be defined by us.

But still these animals were nothing remarkable for size; and the strength of the poison in large animals might yet be doubted, were it not for what follows. A large well-fed ox, from nine hundred to a thousand pounds’ weight, was tied to a stake by a rope sufficiently long to allow him to move to and fro.

For through the spring and summer, following Brown's advice and under Kalman's immediate directions, a strong force of Galicians with horse teams and ox teams were kept hard at work, breaking and back-setting, in anticipation of an early sowing in the following spring. In the meantime Brown himself was full of work.

A large effigy of an ox, cow, or buffalo has been prepared for the occasion, and stands outside of the east gate, with agricultural implements beside it. The figure is made of differently-coloured pieces of paper pasted on a framework either by a blind man or according to the directions of a necromancer.

There, gathered into a heap, lay the oats: here stood the large wooden hut, in which we had several days since seen the whole fat ox roasted and basted on a huge spit before a charcoal fire. All the avenues leading out from the Roemer, and from other streets back to the Roemer, were secured on both sides by barriers and guards.

Twice had Smith cracked his long whip, each time crushing large green flies that had alighted on the flank of the nearest ox, and yet the lash so lightly fell that not a hair of the animal was ruffled, or a particle of pain inflicted.

He is strong enough, however, to drag a dead horse or ox to his den often to a distance of a quarter of a mile and this feat has been repeatedly observed. This is a misapplied name; for although he bears a considerable likeness to the tiger, both in shape and habits, yet the markings of his skin are quite different.

"Because I have a good heart." "You are very fond of me, perhaps just as the butcher likes the ox that he drives to the slaughter-house." "Are you mad?" "A man does not pay a hundred thousand francs for another without a motive." "I have a motive." "What is it? what do you want to do with me?" "A jolly companion that will spend his money like a man, and pass every night like the last.