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A dejected man, M. le docteur Maurice Fournier locked the door of his physiological laboratory in the Place de l'École de Médecine, and walked away toward his rooms in the rue Rossini.

Voltaire fled from Prussia, giving to the world before he did so one of the most amusing jeux d'esprit ever written the celebrated Diatribe du Docteur Akakia and, after some hesitation, settled down near the Lake of Geneva. A few years later he moved into the château of Ferney, which became henceforward his permanent abode. Voltaire was now sixty years of age. His position was an enviable one.

The voice broke and faltered, and a spasm of mother-anguish wrung the firm mouth, and as a slow tear dimmed each of her underlids and splashed on the white guimpe she put out her hand blindly, and the sympathetic little Frenchwoman took it in both her own. "Reverend Mozer, you can do zis. You can bring Monsieur le Docteur to see Lynette. You can 'ave his advice upon 'er case, and you can "

Bonjour, Monsieur le Docteur; bonjour, Monsieur le Capitaine and Madame Dellenbaugh," and with a wave of her hand and a little dip of her head to each of the guests, she courtesied out of the room.

He stopped, shocked by these words he heard coming from his mouth, and crossed himself contritely. "But I look at her I hear what the docteur say I talk and I cannot help!" He staggered into the room where the child lay, and sat down in a chair and held his face in his hands. It was an aged and somewhat unctuous physician whom Farr brought.

I dunno, but I tink dey up to no good, dem crowd. If I no have to stay for docteur I go right back qvick. D'ye tink dey vant ter bodder Hugo, or de lady, Stefan?" The latter swore again. "If dey bodder 'em I tvists all dere necks like chickens, I tank," he cried, excitedly. "How long ago did they leave?"

She went, intending to return immediately; but, alas! for human intentions, downstairs she found a commotion that drove M. Linders, M. le Docteur, and everything else out of her head for the time being.

He came up to her, panting, opened the bag, and gave her the folded paper. "Go and get something to drink," she said. "To eat, too, if you're hungry." Antonino ran off eagerly, while Hermione tore open the paper and read these words in French: "Monsieur Artois dangerously ill; fear may not recover; he wished you to know. MAX BERTON, Docteur Médecin, Kairouan." Hermione dropped the telegram.

M. Marbois recognized the use of it with a surprise and indignation that could not be expressed, and drew back angrily, inquiring what all this meant. Hearing himself called doctor, "What!" cried he, "M. le Docteur I" "Why; yes; le Docteur Bourdois!" M. Marbois was enlightened. The similarity between the sound of his name and that of the doctor had exposed him to this disagreeable visit.

A second later, red-faced, half-breathless, but with the light of battle in his eyes, Doctor Geddes appeared, mounted on a ladder on his side of the hedge. "Who shot off that rooster?" "Monsieur le docteur, the hens of you began this affray," explained Schmetz, politely. "They are fowls abandoned in their morals, horrible in their habits, and shameless in their behavior.