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We shall meet Saturday at poor Sainte-Beuve's funeral. How the little band diminishes! How the few survivors of the Medusa's raft are disappearing! A thousand affectionate greetings. CXXXII. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Paris, 20 or 21 October, 1869 Impossible, dear old beloved. Brebant is too far, I have so little time. And then I have made an engagement with Marchal and Berton at Magny's to say farewell.

Warned by the fate of the conspiracy of the 19th of August, 1820, and of those of Berton and Caron, the soldiers of the old army resigned themselves, after their failure in 1822, to await events. This last conspiracy, which grew out of that of the 19th of August, was really a continuation of the latter, carried on by a better element.

"And the daughter takes after her; for she strikes me as uncommonly stupid. After losing all her fortune, she brings her sons up so well that here is one in prison and likely to be brought up on a criminal indictment before the Court of Peers for a conspiracy worthy of Berton. As for the other, he is worse off; he's a painter.

In those days, besides, you could set up for a poet, a musician, or a painter, with so little expense. Pons, being regarded as the probable rival of Nicolo, Paer, and Berton, used to receive so many invitations, that he was forced to keep a list of engagements, much as barristers note down the cases for which they are retained. And Pons behaved like an artist.

Father Berton had at that time living with him one of our old comrades of Brienne, named Bouquet; but he expressly forbade him to show himself to Bonaparte or any one of his suite, because Bouquet, who had been a commissary at headquarters in Italy, was in disgrace with the First Consul. Bouquet promised to observe Father Berton's injunctions, but was far from keeping his promise.

The curtain was drawn up in the midst of a veritable tempest, bird cries, cat-calls, and a heavy rhythmical refrain of "Ruy Blas! Ruy Blas! Victor Hugo! Victor Hugo!" My turn came. Berton pere, who was playing Kean, had been received badly. I was wearing the eccentric costume of an Englishwoman in the year 1820.

By Richard R. Montgomery. 514 The Little Corsican; or, The Boy of the Barricades. By Allan Arnold. 515 Headlight Tom, the Boy Engineer. By Jas. C. Merritt. 516 The Sealed Despatch; or, The Blind Boy of Moscow. By Allan Arnold. 517 The Swamp Rats; or, The Boys Who Fought for Washington. By Gen'l Jas. A. Gordon. 518 Nino, the Wonder of the Air. A Story of Circus Life. By Berton Bertrew.

M. Berton came. I read to him L'Expiation, which he is to read. M. and Mme. Meurice and d'Alton-Shee were present at the reading. News has arrived that Metz has capitulated and that Bazaine's army has surrendered. Bills announcing the reading of Les Chatiments have been posted. M. Raphael Felix came to tell me the time at which the rehearsal is to take place tomorrow.

This I attribute to the misfortunes his family had sustained and the impressions made on his mind by the conquest of his country. The pupils were invited by turns to dine with Father Berton, the head of the school.

So they drank and drank, until they all burst. When Ca Boo-Ug saw that the monkeys were all dead, he crawled up on the bank, and there he lived happily ever after. W. H. Millington and Berton L. Maxfield. Brooklyn, N.Y. Tagalog Folk-Tales. Juan Gathers Guavas. The guavas were ripe, and Juan's father sent him to gather enough for the family and for the neighbors who came to visit them.