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"It was brought to me a little while ago, by one of ze students. It was dark in ze hallway and I could not see ze face of heem." "Luck for me," murmured Sam. "I see my name on ze wrappair," went on Professor Socrat. "Zen I open it an' I see ze name of Mr. Grimm. I go to heem. Ha! Zings begin to what you call happen after zat!" "Vamoose!" whispered Sam. "I guess we've seen all the fun.

I asked the Mex. "I ween heem at monte off Antonio Curvez," said he. "Maybe," growled the sailor. He still held the hook under the man's jaw, but with the other hand he ran rapidly under and over the Mexican's left shoulder. In the half light I could see his face change. The gleam died from his eye; the snarl left his lips. Without further delay he arose to his feet.

He know Philip dead; he has ze proof, an' now he breaks ze will, an' gets ze monies. Ze damn dog rich now; zen he be more rich." "Do you know an executor of the will named Neale P. B. Neale?" "Oui, M'sieur." "Who is he? What does he look like?" "He vas a planter two mile west Carrollton. I see heem maybe ten days ago leetle short man wif bald head."

"Better to take la Longue Traverse in summer, eh?" "La Longue Traverse hees not mattaire w'en yo tak heem." "Right you are. Have there been men sent out since you came here?" "Ba oui. Wan, two, t'ree. I don' remember. I t'ink Jo Bagneau. Nobodee he don' know, but dat ole man an' hees coureurs du bois. He ees wan ver' great man. Nobodee is know w'at he will do."

He has already clamored for his breakfast and is at present occupied with a bowl of oatmeal and some coffee." Just then Frenchy came up, lifting his cap to the young lady. In one of his big paws he held his little boy's hand. "Tak aff you cap to ze yong lady lak I tole you," he said, gravely. "Heem tink you a leetle sauvage."

His recklessness was catching; Gustavo suddenly determined upon a bold stroke himself. 'Signorina, he asked, 'zat man I send, zat donk'-driver you like heem? 'Tony? Her manner was indifferent. 'Oh, he does well enough; he seems honest and truthful, though a little stupid. Gustavo and the young man exchanged glances.

Each discovered that the others knew nothing; and each blundered against the astounding fact of double wages. "All I know is the pay's good; and that's enough," concluded Thrackles, from a bunk. "The pay's too good," growled Handy Solomon. "This ain't no job to go look at the 'clipse of the moon, or the devil's a preacher!" "W'at you maik heem, den?" queried Perdosa.

Heem no ver' bad. He be all right tomorrow." "That's good. It frightened me, for him to be unconscious so long. It's been five or six hours now, hasn't it?" "Lemme see. I fin' heem six o'clock. Now eet is the noon. Six hour." "That's long enough. Besides, I think he's sleeping now. Come inside and see " "Wait, m' enfant. M'sieu Thayer he come in the minute. He say he think he know heem."

I feed heem couple weeks more mebbe feed heem beer and soom cheese!" He laughed raucously at the alleged witticism. "Thot's thee preencipal t'ing," he declared, soberly. "You must feed a horse." He said this not as one recommending that a horse be well fed, but as one advising that a horse be given something to eat occasionally. "Si! Thot's thee preencipal t'ing!

"When you come into heem woods for cut um down?" asked the Canadian when the scouts finally caught up with him. "Why we are going to start cutting right away," said Bruce. "You see we get a fall vacation and that will help a lot. School closes tomorrow and remains closed until next Monday.