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He vas getting so close by Jack dot Jack might fall ofer board again, und ve don't vant to lose our new captain so soon yet," explained Mr. Switzer cheerfully. He thus made light of the affair, but later it came out that Hen Lacomb had evidently had the intention of at least trying to pitch Jack overboard, as the easiest solution of the trouble of Captain Brisco and his crony.

"Oh, crackey!" groaned Ephraim Gallup. "It's all over naow!" "Yah, it vos all ofer," nodded Hans. "A home run vill knock me. Der game vos seddled." It is probable that almost every one expected to see Hans strike out. After making two strikes, the Dutchman secured a clean single, on which Diamond and Gallup scored. "Dot vos a mishdake," declared the Dutchman.

I yoost finds my feet on de bottom vhen he keels ofer, like dead, vid de cold and de playin' out. So I takes him in my arms and runs in. I had matches in my screw-box but my fingers vos dat froze I couldn't get 'em out first. But I manages make a fire, by an' by, and I rubs de life back into him again. And and you know vhat is first ting he say vhen he vake up?" Madge shook her head.

A vonderful place to be happy in. De big falls dey make music all day and at night dey sings you to sleep, like de modder she sings leetle babies. Und de big birches dey lean ofer, so beautiful, and de birds dey comes all rount, nesting in all de bushes. Oh, such a vonderful place for a man and a voman to love, dem falls of dat Roaring Rifer!

"But the chewels will be welcome, my fat burglar friend." "You shall know him. Goot night, motame. You are a tidbit for ein king; but I am only a poor banker more dan sixty year olt, and you hafe made me feel vat power the voman I lofe hafe ofer me since your difine beauty hafe not make me forget her." "Vell, dat is ver' pretty vat you say," replied the Englishwoman.

I do not undervalue human will and purpose, but I think you need a divine, all-powerful Deliverer." "I know you are right," said Mr. Bruder. "I haf resolved ofer and ofer again, only to do vorse, and sink deeper at der next temptation, till at last I gave up trying. Unless I am sustained by some strength greater dan mine, I haf no hope.

'The wicked boy! he cried, as I came up, 'to throw stones at a noble English gentleman. He well deserfs to be deliffered ofer to the Bowers of Eurobe. I bade him leave the child alone, or it would be the worse for him.

I haf travel dthe vorld ofer, many beautiful and clevair vomans haf loaf me. I haf seen nefer a voman like you for not to care.

Rita this time had a bundle with her, which she gave to Russell, directing him to hide it under the bench for the present. "You mus' disguisar," she said; "this is a woman dress " "A woman's dress?" "Oh, no difficolta. You wait till avenin', then you put him on, ofer your militar coat just as you stands. Alla right; then you disguisado, and commalong me. I be alla ready. You waita forra mi.

He never loses sight of him, yet Pop hasn't made a trade to-tay, unt here id iss twenty minutes of der glose unt dere iss Parry in deh centre again whooping her up ofer two hundred unt four." Thursday, November 12th, was a memorable day in Wall Street.