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"Perhaps it will be just as well if he backs where he's looking," suggested the young engineer, having removed his coat and aided very practically in the straightening out of Walky's affairs. This greatly pleased Janice, who had remained to watch proceedings. "Come, naow, tell the truth, Walky Dexter," drawled another of the expressman's helpers. "Was ye seein' double when ye did that trick?"

"Naow, don't yew lose no sleep ter-night," she admonished, "a-worryin' erbout the change in yer vittles. I told Cap'n Sam'l that hardtack an' sech like wouldn't never do fer yer weak stummick, an' he promised me faithful he'd send somebody tew the mainland every day fer milk." "Dew yew think I be a baby?" shouted Abraham, turning on his heel.

The Coal Tar Maggie came sloshing into their midst with a light breeze astern, and they crowded on deck to see us. Nicholas and I had caught the spirit of the crazy craft, and we handled her in most lubberly fashion. "Wot is it?" some one called. "Name it 'n' ye kin have it!" called another. "I swan naow, ef it ain't the old Ark itself!" mimicked the Centipede from the deck of the Ghost. "Hey!

Is there no loyalty left in the land?" "Naow look here, Meredith," Mr. Hennion argued. "Theer ain't no occasion fer such consarned highty-tighty airs. Yer can't keep boys from bein' high-sperited. What 's more " "High-spirited!" snapped the squire. "Is that the name ye give rebellion, Justice Hennion?" "Thet 'ere is jest what I wuz a-comin' ter, Meredith," went on his fellow-justice.

I've tried to teach lots of folks; an' sum learns quick, an' some don't never learn; it's jest 's 't strikes 'em. I should think, naow, thet you wuz one o' the kind could turn yer hands to anythin'. When we get settled in San Bernardino, if yer'll come down thar, I'll teach yer all I know, 'n' be glad ter.

"Wal, yis, 'tis hard sleddin' for the deacon drefful hard sleddin. Wal, naow, s'pose you're disapp'inted shouldn't wonder jes' so. Eddication's a good thing, but 'taint the only thing naow; folks larns a sight rubbin' round the world and then they make money.

"Lord save us, Jos! Hev we reelly took in Injuns? What on airth Well, well, she's fond uv her baby's enny white woman! I kin see thet; an', Injun or no Injun, they've got to stay naow. Yer couldn't turn a dog out 'n sech weather's this. I bet thet baby's father wuz white, then. Look at them blue eyes." Ramona listened and looked intently, but could understand nothing.

'n' we wouldn't cheat nobody, not ef we knowed it, not out er a doller. We're pore, an' I allus expect to be, but we're above cheatin'; an' I tell you, naow, the Ummeriken people don't want any o' this cheatin' done, naow! I'm going to ask Jeff haow 'tis. Why, it's a burnin' shame to any country! So 'tis! I think something oughter be done abaout it!

"Somebody sick over there t' Haynes's. Guess th' old man's ailin' ag'in. Winder's haaef-way open in the chamber, shouldn't wonder 'f he was dead and laid aout. Docterin' a'n't no use, when y' see the winders open like that. Wahl, money a'n't much to speak of to th' old man naow! He don't want but tew cents, and old Widah Peake, she knows what he wants them for!" Or again,

Ephraim watched the proprietor of the Rovers as the man sauntered away. "Yeou're a gol-dinged gambler, that's what yeou be!" muttered the Vermonter. "Yeou're a man that's allus lookin' for suckers, and yeou think yeou've ketched one naow. Waal, mebbe yeou have, but we'll see abaout that. I kinder guess yeou're due to bunt up ag'inst a red-hot surprise to-morrer.