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"Our paths is continually beset by 'em. There's that sofa! It's so pleasant to have one in the house when a body's sick. But there, it's gone, and if I happen to get down, as most likely I shall, for I've got a bad feeling in my stummick this very minute, I shall have to go up-stairs, and most likely catch my death of cold, and that will be the end of me." "Not so bad as that, I hope," said Mrs.

Mind you, he was always kicking and roaring about his liver or stummick, or some of his works. I'm a little over six-foot-three in my boots when I stand up straight, and I stood up straight as the Lord would let me and gazed down at that little man. 'Pardner, says I, 'I was raised on cigarettes. When I was two years old I used to have a pull at the bottle, and then my cigarette to aid digestion.

All, all was food for my 2 poetic sole. I went below to breakfast, but vittles had lost their charms. "Take sum of this," said the Capting, shovin a bottle tords my plate. "It's whisky. A few quarts allers sets me right when my stummick gits out of order. It's a excellent tonic!" I declined the seductive flooid. Thursdy.

I tell you what, son, allowin' that I seen enough killin' in my time so as just seein' it don't set too hard on my chest, that mess down to Sterling made me plumb sick to my stummick. I'm wonderin' what would 'a' happened if Sterling hadn't made that fight and the I.W.W. had run loose. It ain't what we did. That had to be did.

He called three times, and then, with a sinking sensation in 'is stummick, 'e went up on deck and I follered 'im. The boy was nowhere to be seen. All we saw was the ship's cat 'aving a wash and brush-up afore going ashore, and the skipper standing aft talking to the owner. We never saw that boy ag'in. He never turned up for 'is box, and 'e didn't show up to draw 'is pay.

'It's dreadful most unnatural. 'She's got a stummick like an 'orse, commented Elizabeth. 'Prompt action is vital, put in Henry firmly. 'There are other emetics. Mustard and 'I've always 'eard that soap and water's good for turnin' any one over, began Elizabeth. 'Soap and water! I echoed, 'yes, that sounds the worst the best, I mean. Get it at once, Elizabeth.

I think its wrong for women to tempt feeble minded persons with liquor on New Year's. Now me and my chum, we can take a drink and then let it alone. We have got brain, and know when we have got enough, but Pa, when he gets to going don't ever stop until he gets so sick that he can't keep his stummick inside of hisself.

Besides, there was a last nickel in his pocket; and nature protested against its survival. Also, the redfaced man had himself proclaimed his wares nourishing for the weak stummick. Penrod placed the nickel in the red hand of the red-faced man. He ate two of the three greasy, cigarlike shapes cordially pressed upon him in return.

It's so pleasant to have one in the house when a body's sick. But, there, it's gone, and if I happen to get down, as most likely I shall, for I've got a bad feeling in my stummick this very minute, I shall have to go upstairs, and most likely catch my death of cold, and that will be the end of me." "Not so bad as that, I hope," said Mrs. Harding, cheerfully.

"'I dunno, says he. 'How much? "'Sixteen thousand bucks! I says. 'How does that lay on your stummick? "'Hell! says Micky. 'That ain't nothin' look-a-here! "He shoves a paper at me he's been holdin' in his mitt. It's a ridin' contract fur two years with the Ogden stable at ten thousand a year. "So you see, just like I tells you," Blister wound up, "they lay down real money fur class."