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Allowin' the smart ones to show off their smartness to the best advantage. Awakenin' a spirit of helpful emulation in the more backward and sluggish of 'em. Yes, the light from this big house-warmin' she knew would penetrate and glow into the darkest corners of the earth, and, like a great warm sun, bring forth a glowin' and never-endin' harvest of blessed results.

"You don't deserve it you reelly don't," she said, more in sorrow than in anger; then with a sharp change of tone, "And you three 'ave been allowin', I s'pose, that our best chance to escape notice is travellin' around with a fur coat an' a sixty-foot Theayter Royal? . . . W'y, wot was it put Glasson on our tracks? . . . Oh, I'm not blamin' yer!

Nor it ain't on account o' that wife of yours ye left behind in Missouri, and whose letters you never answered. It's them things all together and suthin' else!" "What the d -l do you want, then?" said Farendell, with a desperate directness that was, however, a tacit confession of the truth of these accusations. "Yer allowin' that ye'll get married tomorrow?" said Scranton slowly.

As 'llustratin' this yere last, it returns to me some vivid how Cherokee an' Boggs gets to prophesyin' one day, an' how they calls off the play between 'em so plumb c'rrect that a-way, it's more than amazin'; it's sinister. "It's a hot August day, this occasion I has in mind, an' while not possessin' one of them heat-gauges to say ackerate, I'm allowin' it's ridin' hard on sech weather as this.

I believe you've known it all along." "I say allowin' it is, you haven't any right to say Charlie took this money from the Orham bank. You can't prove any such thing." "Aw, be still! Prove prove nothin'. When a cat and a sasser of milk's shut up together and the milk's gone, you don't need proof to know where it's gone, do you? Don't talk to me about proof, Jed Winslow.

"'Gents, he says, as we-alls turns into the Red Light to be refreshed, 'in assoomin' the present pressure I feels the compliments paid me in the seelection. I shall act for the credit of the camp, an' I needs your help. I desires that these rites be a howlin' vict'ry. I don't want people comin' 'round next week allowin' thar ain't been no funeral, an' I don't reckon much that they will.

And now it's comin' out that he's a crook and a jailbird! And he'll be jailed for stealin' THIS time, too. Ho, ho!" He stopped, out of breath, to indulge in another long chuckle. Jed leaned forward. "What are you talkin' about, Phin?" he demanded. "Even allowin' all this this rigmarole of yours about about Middleford business was true " "It is true and you know it is.

On secure ground now, Mr Pamphlett faced about, challenging the old man. "Heigh?" said Un' Benny with a well-affected start of surprise. "There now! and I was allowin' you'd had enough o' my chatter. 'Business as usual'" he looked closely at Mr Pamphlett, and so let his gaze travel down the street, till it rested meditatively on the Bank doorway. "'Business as usual' . . . aye to be sure!

Dud's white teeth showed in his friendly, affectionate grin. "Never did see such a fellow for backin' hisself into a corner an' allowin' that he's a plumb quitter. I'll bet, if the facts were known, he come through all right." June decided to tell her story. "Yes, Dud. He must have seen Jake Houck with me, and when Jake annoyed me Bob jumped at him and hit him. Then Jake shot."

"Oh, no, she's all right that is, she's pretty nearly all right, but I may remark as the sight an' hearin' of her this day is a everlastin' lesson on lettin' women be women an' allowin' men to keep on bein' men for some years to come yet. Mrs.