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'You deserve it for colossal and immense coolness. Now you can tell me the true inward meaning of all this rigmarole. What is it? 'I want it for Prince Eugen, she began, at first hesitatingly, with pauses. 'He's ruined unless he can get a million to pay off his debts. He's dreadfully in love with a Princess, and he can't marry her because of this. Her parents wouldn't allow it.

He argued thus: if the Deity was in the world itself, he was immanent; if he was somewhere outside it, he was transcendent. Nothing could be clearer and more obvious! You knew where you were. But this Kantian rigmarole won't do any more: it's antiquated and no longer applicable to modern ideas. Why, we've had a whole row of eminent men in the metropolis of German learning Philalethes.

When the Sacristan had got to a certain distance, therefore, Cortado followed, and having overtaken him as he was mounting the steps of a church, he took him apart, and poured forth so interminable a string of rigmarole, all about the theft of the purse, and the prospect of recovering it, that the poor Sacristan could do nothing but listen with open mouth, unable to make head or tail of what he said, although he made him repeat it two or three times.

Or the Knights of the Garter?" "They are new to me some school rigmarole, I suppose." "Yes. Then there's Scouts of the Gauntlet." "Worse and worse." "And finally the Guides of Mystery." "Whew!" "To be a free and accepted Chevalier of the Bath a fellow has to be a water-proof rat.

That's what we all do the first minute, and then we recover ourselves and go down and meet her. But Alice dropped on her knees by my chair and threw her arms round me. "Forgive, Peggy," she moaned. "Oh, forgive!" I saw she had on my fraternity pin, and I thought she meant that. So I said, "You can wear it today"; but she only hugged me the tighter and ran on in a rigmarole I didn't understand.

You surely must be jesting, in dishing up this long rigmarole, about Miss Houghton's accomplishments! After what I have told you, I cannot conceive how you can fail to understand, that I am not in a mood for jesting.

Every two or three days he'd compose a new one and send for Huskisson, his lawyer; and Huskisson, after reading the rigmarole through, as solemn as a judge, would get it solemnly witnessed and carry it off. He had three boxes full of these lunacies when the old man died, and I'll wager he has not destroyed 'em. Lawyers never destroy handwriting, however foolish. It's against their principles."

I was beginning to be bored. Had the butler fallen prey to one of the graminophile sects like Brother Paul's and gone through all this rigmarole merely to give me notice previous to immolating himself? "And so far they ave achieved no success?" "Obviously, Burlet." "Well then, sir, would it not be a sensible precaution to find some means of refuge until and if they find a way to kill the Grass?"

The very morning that I was to see the colonel I was told to get back to the DO again. When I approached him after going through the rigmarole of marching in, saluting smartly and agreeing that I was indeed the soldier he thought I was he said, "You have a complaint?" "Yessir." "You want to return to the Drawing Office?" "Yessir." "But I see you are back there already." "Yessir, this morning"

There was never a word of a raven or an eagle, that I'll swear, now. 'You deny that there was ever a word of "All for Love"? Speak, madam. 'Their conjuror's rigmarole! she murmured, huffing. 'As if I listened to their nonsense! 'Does the Duchess of Dewlap dare to give me the lie? said Mr. Beamish. 'That's not my title, and you know it, she retorted. 'What's this? the angry beau sang out.