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"It's going dead lame." "I know," said Taltavull. "It's a great nuisance, but it can't be helped. The stone may be knocked out again." "The stone won't be knocked out again. It's jammed firmly in, and gets set tighter every time it touches ground. The mule's in awful pain." "I can't help that." "By God, I can though. Here, pull up." "Señor Haigh, you must be mad."

Nellie and Nan "ducked" under, but Flossie was a little timid, and held her mother's right hand even tighter than Freddie clung to her left. "We must get hold of the ropes," declared Mrs. Bobbsey, seeing a big wave coming. They just reached the ropes when the wave caught them. Nellie and Nan were out farther, and the billow struck Nellie with such force it actually washed her up on shore.

His fingers gripped her shoulders tighter for just a second, and he let her go. "I guess that part'll be all right," he rejoined in a tone she could not quite fathom. "I never had one in m' life." "Why, you poor thing!" She stood back and tilted her head at him. "You poor pal. I'll have to see about that immediately.

King, raising his hand, "or you'll spoil the whole thing. Phronsie shall tell her story as she likes." Thereupon the rest, with the shadow of his warning that the whole might be spoiled, fell back to a vigorous restraint once more. "Perhaps," cried Phronsie with shining eyes, and grasping the strings tighter she leaned forward and pressed her red lips on the mother's mouth, "we'll go in and stay.

It was not a pretty sight, out there in the semi-darkness, and miles away from every one and everything, to watch this abominable old hag capering uncleanly, while those restless, noiseless lips of hers called upon all the devils in Hell, in words that we could not hear. Juggins pushed harder against me than ever, and his hand on my arm gripped tighter and tighter.

But so far as she was concerned, all his visits were in essence the same, in that at the end of each of them she was left standing on the platform with her eyes following the retreating train and a fear coiling tighter round her heart.

"You don't know what's in store for you," said Dunce, nonplussed by my manner. "As I said before, I'll risk it." "Very well. Where is the rope, boys?" "Here you are," answered Pultzer. "Plenty of it." As he spoke he produced a stout clothes line, five or six yards in length. "We'll bind his hands a little tighter first," instructed Duncan, "and then his legs.

While he accoutred him for the journey, Tressilian drew his own girths tighter, and in a few minutes both were ready to mount. At this moment Sludge approached to bid them farewell.

The pirate was climbing at a speed that would have distanced any other machine the world had ever seen, but the tenacious opponent behind him clung ever tighter to the tiny darting thing. He had released great clouds of his animation suspending gas. To his utter surprise, the ship behind him had driven right through it, entirely unaffected!

The embrace draws tight, tighter and yet tighter; he becomes rigid in her arms, he cannot breathe, and life seems to be going from him. He feels his ribs cracking under the pressure; he cannot cry out; he cannot struggle. Now comes the sound of something ripping, of flesh being torn by ruthless claws. A quiver of nerves, a sigh, and the man is still.