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"'My Christian friend and brother, says I, 'before we converse upon the root of all evil, let me put you on to the fact that my name is E. G. W. Scraggs. "'Ah! says he, backin' up, 'Sclaggsee! "'Sclaggsee! I hollers, and we near met on the spot. 'Don't you say that agin! "'Ah! says he. "I noticed his guns was wobblin'. "'Ah! says I. 'You're darned right.

The kid might have been scared, but he had the kale-itch in his fingers. "All I know," says he, "is that Loppy allus goes into the William Street lobby of the Farmers' National." "Go on!" says I. "That don't come within two numbers of backin' against the Traction Buildin'." "But Loppy allus does," he insists. "There's a door to the right, just beyond the teller's window.

"Well, by this time, a man who had seen her at her first worst an' run for a doctor, he come in with three, an' whilst they were bowin' to each other an' backin', I giv' 'er stimulus an' d'rectly she turned upon me one rememberable gaze, an' she says, 'Doctors, says she, 'would you think they'd have the gall to try to get me to cook for 'em?

What the fools are hangin' on for is more'n I can see. Martha Phipps was down on her knees beggin' me to buy only a little spell ago. Old Jeth, of course, thinks his 'spirits' are backin' HIM up. Crazy old loon! Spirits! In this day and time! God sakes! Humph! I wish to thunder I could deal with the spirits direct; might be able to do business with THEM. Perfessor, now come, think it over.

He raised his voice when uttering the last words, as if asking a question; so, the coastguardsman answered it at once. "That it do, sir," he said with decision; "and, if the wind freshen more, as is more'n likely, considerin' it's been backin' all the mornin', I 'spects it'll be pretty rough by night-time!" "Ah, well, so I think, too, Hellyer.

But we ain't got the right holt," the old miner continued, squinting his eyes as if thus endeavoring to get the thought firmly lodged in his brain. "He 's ben made a deputy sheriff. He kin turn that crowd o' toughs over thar into a posse, an' come over here with the whole law o' the State backin' them in any deviltry they decide on, even ter killin' off the lot o' us for resistin' officers.

Bill's sire a savage who's 'way up in the picture kyards, an' who's called 'Crooked Claw' because of his left hand bein' put out of line with a Ute arrow through it long ago gives his consent to Bill j'inin' that sem'nary. Crooked Claw can't he'p himse'f; he's powerless; the Great Father in Washin'ton is backin' the play of the philanthrofists.

"I shore will, an' if you need any backin' you'll git it." When they reached the open Lem turned off toward the corrals, and Wade walked beside Moore's horse up to the house. Belllounds appeared at the door, evidently having heard the sound of hoofs. "Hello, Moore! Get down an' come in," he said, gruffly.

I don't know what kind of a husband I'd make. I don't know whether I could fill the place o' your late husband!" "Yo're not gwine t' sneak out," she said, with a fierce flash in her gray eyes. "If yo' do I'll have yo' pizened." "Now, who's talkin' about backin' out?" said Shorty in a fever of placation, for he was afraid that some of the other boys would overhear the conversation.

He's got her shoved along to the south'ard, and he's widened out a piece of level for her to stand on, so 't that piece o' wood up the hill there is just behind her, and I tell you she looks nice, backin' up ag'inst the trees. I tell you, Jeff's got a head on him! I wish you could see that dinin'-room o' his: all white colyums, and frontin' on the view.