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Before long, though, he reached the Grand Hotel at Thirty-first Street. He knew of its comfortable lobby. He was cold after his twenty blocks' walk. "I'll go in their barber shop and get a shave," he thought. Thus he justified himself in sitting down in here after his tonsorial treatment.

Of course, we would require to have it made of bricks or cast-iron to prevent the rats connecting it with the sewers, but " A breeze of pattering feet overhead induced the doctor to pause. It increased to a gale on the staircase, to a tempest in the lobby. The door was burst open, and Jack, and Harry, and Job, and Jenny, and Dolly, with blazing cheeks and eyes, tumbled tumultuously into the room.

Coming into the lobby, they found themselves commingled with a crowd of members who had also quitted their seats, after Gordon's speech, in order to discuss its merits, as they gathered round the refreshment table for oranges or soda-water. Among them was George Belvoir, who, on sight of the younger of the two gentlemen issuing from the Speaker's gallery, accosted him with friendly greeting, "Ha!

On this, one of a hundred such typical evenings in the Bon Ton lobby, Mr. Latz, sighing out a satisfaction of his inner man, sat himself down on a red velvet chair opposite Mrs. Samstag. His knees wide-spread, taxed his knife-pressed gray trousers to their very last capacity, but he sat back in none the less evident comfort, building his fingers up into a little chapel. "Well, how's Mr.

The next instant I was upon the floor at the far side, and in a moment more was, I don't know how, upon the lobby. "But the spell was not yet broken; the valley of the shadow of death was not yet traversed.

Instead of being large it was tiny, and instead of being luxurious it was merely furnished with miscellaneous odds and ends left over from far more important furnishings. It was indeed naught but a nondescript box of a hole insignificantly wedged between the state apartments and the outer lobby. For an instant he forgot that he was in pursuit of Jock. Jock was perfectly invisible and inaudible.

When he's gone, tell me if he's slender, or stout, or has a moustache and imperial." "Sure, I will." Through the telephone Harleston could hear someone descend the stairs, cross the lobby, and the revolving doors swing around. The next moment, the operator's voice came with a bit of laugh. "Are you there, Mr. Harleston?" "I'm here."

"Hadn't we all better get the four-thirty to Warbleton?" she said, and swallowed. "Oh, if Bobby wants to back out " said Di. "I don't want to back out," Bobby contended furiously, "b-b-but I won't " "Come on, Aunt Lulu," said Di grandly. Bobby led the way through the lobby, Di followed, and Lulu brought up the rear. She walked awkwardly, eyes down, her hands stiffly held.

Overhead, from his aunt's bedroom, vague movements were perceptible. Then these ceased, absolutely. The tension, increasing, grew too much for him, and with a curt gesture, and a self-conscious expression between a smile and a frown, he left the parlour and stood to listen in the lobby.

He paused for a time by the fountain, not sufficiently curious to join the crowd that stood gaping at the apertures through which the members of the chorus could be seen ascending the stairs to the upper dressing-rooms, many of them carolling scraps of song from the opera as they went. Appleton soon reentered the lobby and again surveyed the audience closely.