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"Back comes the guy at him he was a great big son of a gun, weighing thirty pounds more than dad and him and dad mixes it right there in the saloon till the barkeep and about fifty other fellers throws them out, and they goes off to a vacant lot to finish the thing. And dad's so worked up that he gives the other guy his till he hollers that that's all he'll want.

"So when the Honorable Fixem's safely in his carriage, and Jimmy Duggan's walking home with Pa and me. Pa says, 'What stopped it, Jimmy? And Jimmy says, 'Well, I just got a few of the fellers together, he says, 'and we hollers "Steeletters, steeletters," and that scared 'em, you bet, for they're all afraid of their lives of them 'Talian knives.

"Did she holler?" asked Yetta, in an awed whisper. "No. She don't need she should holler when she has mads. She looks on you mit long-mad-proud-looks und you don't needs no hollers. She could to have mads 'out sayin' nothings und you could to have a scare over it. It's fierce.

And when I tell him to be gentle with them cows he knows I'm right. I jest want you boys to take notice when you go down into the Pocket to-morrer what kin be done by kindness; and the first man that hollers or puts a rope on my gentle stock, I'll sure make him hard to ketch.

Of course all this comes to him from no conscious action of his own mind, but from an unconscious, contented recognition of the state of mind of his older friends. A poor woman, who lived in one room with her husband and two children, said once in a flash of new intelligence, "Now I see: the more I hollers, the more the children hollers; I am not going to holler any more."

"'I wish you joy of your bargain, marm, says she to Susannah. 'You'd ought to be proud of it. And as for YOU, she says, swingin' round toward the rest of the help, 'I "'How 'bout that prophet? hollers somebody. "'Three cheers for the Oriental! bellers somebody else. "'When you marry the right Butler fetch him along and let us see him! whoops another.

Now I'll tell you what," I says, very businesslike: "you boys tole him along till he gets hectic enough to take that bunch of mule runts down in the south field, and anything you get over fifty dollars a head I'll split with you." Sandy hollers at this. He says this bunch ain't mules but rabbits, and that I wouldn't refuse forty a head for 'em this minute.

'Lord! says somebody 'twas Withrow himself 'but if that don't look like the ghost of Maurice Blake's vessel! 'Yes, hollers back the skipper and they must've been some surprised to hear him 'and the ghost'll be with you to-morrow in the race. Yes, the skipper says, 'and we're all ready for it.

"Never mind, Joey dear," his mother said, "keep on." "And all at once, he up and says, 'If I want to, I can turn this river into a river of gold, and one o' the Flock, about the worst one, he hollers back, 'Well, why don't you do it, then? and Mr.

She picked him up gently and carried him out. "He's a champeen at that too," said Steve. "I had to pull him out of the hay this morning. Well, I guess he's earned it. He's had a busy day." "What happened then, Steve?" "Why, after that there wasn't a thing to it. Whiting, poor simp, couldn't see it. 'Betcha ten dollars my kid wins, he hollers.