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And Judson Eells, who had rushed out at the rumor of his approach, drew up his lip and glared at him hatefully. "You're a criminal!" he bellowed, "I could have you jailed for this that Stinging Lizard mine was salted!" "The hell you say!" shrilled Wunpost and then he laughed uproariously while he did a little jig in his stirrups. "Yeee hoo!" he yelled, "say, that's pretty good!

But I'll tell you who I am and it'll hold you for a while, I guess. I am Ida May Bostwick. You know full and well you are makin' out to these rich relations of mine that you are me. I'll show you up, miss! I'll have you whipped or jailed or something. The gall of you!" The other girl heard her with unchanging face. Somehow, that steady, unshrinking look gave Ida May Bostwick pause.

Quelch led a mutiny, tossed the skipper overboard, and sailed for Brazil, capturing several merchantmen on the way and looting them of rum, silks, sugar, gold dust, and munitions. Rashly he came sailing back to Marblehead, primed with a plausible yarn, but his men talked too much when drunk and all hands were jailed.

But nobody challenged him, as he kept in mid-stream, and braced up his courage for the two great perils still before him ere he gained the open sea. The first of these would be the outposts on either side at Etaples, not far from the barracks where he had been jailed, and here no doubt the sentinels would call him to account.

This rapidity of action Sunday intervened shows a purpose already decided in general principle; while the enactment of three supplementary measures, before the adjournment of Congress in April, indicates a precipitancy incompatible with proper weighing of details, and an avoidance of discussion, commendable only on the ground that no otherwise than by the promptest interception could American ships or merchandise be successfully jailed in port.

Jailed. I nearly threw a fit when the old geezer, in a blaze of diamonds and glory, brought up old Phossy and presented him to the Gander, and he murmured:

It was a wonderful exhibition of outlawry. I was very sorry to have it happen, and any more such outbreaks will result in Trevison's being jailed if not worse." "My God!" she panted, in a whisper, and became lost in deep thought. They sat for a time, without speaking.

Sparling took a book from his desk, making a memorandum therein. "Is that all, sir?" questioned Larry. "Not quite. If I hear of any further infraction of the rules of this show on the part of either of you two, you close right then. Understand?" "Yes." "That's not all; I'll have you both jailed for assault. As it is, I'll fine you both a week's pay. Now get out of here!"

Do criminals viciously and voluntarily arise among us, eager to lead hunted lives, eager to be jailed at intervals, eager to crawl in the dark, dodge policemen, work in stripes and die in shame? Hardly. Will you kindly and patiently follow the lives, quickly sketched, of a boy and a girl?

"I don't care if he does. We'll fight him on his own ground. We'll prove that he's the miscreant and not us." "Prove nothing," snarled McWilliams. "Do y'u reckon he'll give us a chance to prove a thing? Not on your life. He'll have us jailed first thing; then he'll stir up a sentiment against us, and before morning there will be a lynchingbee, and y'u and I will wear the neckties.