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"Yes, 'tis," returned George, still holding her hand and as Aunt Martha, who was jealously watching his movements from the window, just then called out to him "to jump in, or he'd be left," he put his face under Rose's bonnet, and whispered, "Mary Howard!" "Kissed her, upon my word!" said Aunt Martha with a groan, which was rendered inaudible to Ida by the louder noise of the engine. In Mrs.

'Dear Miss Wen , dear Aunt Betsy, said Ida, corrected by a frown, 'I hope you will come into my room every day, and give me a good scolding if it is not exactly as you like. Everything in this house looks lovely. I want to learn your nice neat ways. 'Well, my love, you might learn something worse, replied Miss Wendover, with innocent pride.

"I had a picture a daguerreotype taken of Ida just before I lost her. I have treasured it carefully. I must show it to you." The carriage stopped before a stately mansion in a wide and quiet street. The driver dismounted, and opened the door. Jack assisted Mrs. Clifton to alight.

On hearing these words, Leo began to wag his tail joyfully, and then, putting his paws on the bed, licked the hand she playfully held out to him. "O, cousin Minnie," cried Ida, "here are some beautiful stories. Let me read them to you." "An English terrier was brought up in a family where there was a little girl, with whom he was a great favorite.

Bears, and wild cats, and perhaps even the larger Canadian lynx, might be hovering in the dark wood. It would not be pleasant to have one of those animals spring out at one, perhaps from an overhanging limb, as the little mare and her rider dashed beneath! "Just the same," the girl thought, "at the pace Ida Bellethorne is carrying me, such wild animals couldn't jump quick enough to catch me.

'If these boys had been sickly and had died young, you would have succeeded to the baronetcy. 'To the baronetcy and to the estate in Sussex, which is a very fine estate, worth eight thousand a year. 'Then, of course, they are strong, and likely to live to the age of Methuselah! exclaimed Ida, with a laugh of passing bitterness. 'Who ever heard of luck coming our way?

Yesterday morning it came, but in her letter she said she had written to you and told you how well she had been and about her work. I knew it would be dreadful for me if you received her letter, but I did not know when it would come, so I stayed away from my classes and watched the mail. I had the letter from Ida and the bill from the store in my hands when you surprised me this afternoon.

One rather shrinks from that kind of thing when one is not used to it, and longs to do something to disturb it. It's a natural impulse. When you see a smooth sheet of ice you generally look for a big stone with which to smash it." She swung around and favored her companion with a glance of critical scrutiny; and there was no reason why Ida Stirling should shrink from it.

Most valuable reports were read from all the affiliated countries containing accounts of their political conditions and the status of the movement for woman suffrage, which were printed in the Minutes, filling over fifty pages. The Resolutions Committee, Mrs. Ida Husted Harper, Miss Ashton and Mrs. van Loenen de Bores, reported strong resolutions, which were fully discussed and adopted.

For Ida, still young and fresh, loving and lovable, the contagion of that youthful mirth was irresistible. She forgot by how fine a hair hung the sword that dangled over her guilty head or began to think that the hair was tough enough to hold good for ever. And what mattered the existence of the sword provided it was never to fall?