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He laughed, and leaning towards the fire, rubbed his hands meditatively. 'You must have found our talk wearisome at dinner, he said. 'No, she answered, 'it was not so bad as usual. You introduced a note of sincerity that had all the effect of a novelty. Her mannerism of swift and disjointed speech, which broke all her sentences into rapidly uttered phrases, again annoyed him.

Jeremiah Brigley, who had just put down two pairs of newly-polished shoes, rubbed his nose meditatively with the cuff of his striped morning jacket, and then tapped an itching place on his head with the clothes-brush he held in his hand, as he stared down at the owner of the shoes a good-looking, fair, intent lad of nearly eighteen, busy over a contrivance which rested upon a pile of mathematical and military books on the table of the well-furnished room overlooking the Cathedral Close of Primchilsea busy city.

"My friend," rejoined Enriquez, perching himself on the back of the sofa, and caressing his knees as he puffed his cigarette meditatively, "you have ask a conundrum. Gif to me an easier one! It is of truth that I make much of these thing to please Urania. But I shall confess all. Behold, I appear to you, my leetle brother, in my camisa my shirt! I blow on myself; I gif myself away."

"Alderman Barry? The boss?" "'Piggy' does somehow sound more appropriate than 'Honorable'," Dick said meditatively. "And is he one of the people you like?" questioned Ellery with unfeigned surprise. "For business purposes, yes. If I'm going to get into politics some day, it becomes me to cultivate local statesmen, doesn't it?

Her age she was eight years older than he was one of his sorest points. "Oh, come on, now," said Furst as he poured out the coffee. "That's hardly fair. She's not so young as she might be, it's true, but no one can hold a candle to her still. Lulu is Lulu." "Ten minutes before the registrar," continued Krafft, meditatively shaking his head. "And for the rest of life, chains. And convention.

Rather curious that he should have been sent back to his birthplace. Anyhow, the natives believe that when he breaks away he goes off to family reunions or to meet old pals." "I shouldn't be surprised," remarked Dermot, meditatively. "They're strange beasts, elephants. No one really knows much about them. I expect the jungle calls to them, as it does to me." He lit a cigarette and went on,

During the long night watches, he forgot, more or less, all about his duty, and meditatively regarded the whirling wave as it seethed away into the darkness. All was silence, except for the mumble, mumble, mumble of the propellers. They were in the AEgean Archipelago and islands passed in an unbroken procession of indistinct shadows.

We'll have the cook next, bad as he is." "You'll have biskit an' water," said the cook icily, as they moved off, "an' nothing else, I'll take care." "They must be uncommon fond o' me," said the skipper meditatively. "Uncommon fond o' having their own way," growled the mate. "Nice thing you've let yourself in for." "I know what I 'm about," was the confident reply.

And yet, he did not dare to think that he might have won her, even if politics and war had not divided them. When the merriment of the dance was at its height that evening, Stephen stood at the door of the long room, meditatively watching the bright gowns and the flash of gold on the uniforms as they flitted past. Presently the opposite door opened, and he heard Mr.

Both thoughts were alike bitter. Yet it was no new thing for him to know that she did not love him. He looked at his watch meditatively. "Has she gone there this afternoon, do you think?" he asked. "I think it is excessively probable. Warman tells me she has been there every afternoon during your absence." "She must have taken a strange fancy to these people.