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"All the Pierides," said the praetor, "are represented at Lochias. We saw eight of them, but the ninth, that patroness of the arts, who protects the stargazer, the lofty Urania, has at present, in place of a head allow me to leave it to you to guess divine Sabina?" "Well what?" "A wisp of straw." "Alas," sighed the Empress. "What do you say, Florus?

"And what became of her?" asked Titianus, not without excitement. "Your predecessor, the prefect Haterius Nepos, took a particular fancy to it and carried it with him to Rome." "Why Urania of all others?" cried Titianus angrily. She, above all, ought not to be missing from the hall of audience of Caesar the pontiff of heaven! What is to be done?"

But, if you will pardon the platitude, we all know that there is one beauty of the sun, and another beauty of the moon, and it would be pure affectation to ignore the fact." "Apropos of the heavenly bodies, when is the Urania to sail?" Pauline asked.

Let him who believes in immortality enjoy his happiness in silence, he has no reason to give himself airs about it. The occasion of Tiedge's Urania led me to observe that piety, like nobility, has its aristocracy. I met stupid women, who plumed themselves on believing, with Tiedge, in immortality, and I was forced to bear much dark examination on this point.

M. Leverrier showed me the transit instrument and the mural circle. He has, like Mr. Airy, made the transit instrument incapable of mechanical change for its corrections of error, so that it depends for accuracy upon its faults being known and corrected in the computations. "All the early observatories of Europe seem to have been built as temples to Urania, and not as working-chambers of science.

Dancing Terpsichore tried to take him by the mane, but the white wings flashed in her face and the wonderful steed was gone before she had touched him. Urania, the Muse who loved the heavens, believed that he was from some star world. Clio, the Muse of History, knew that no such creature had ever lived on earth before. They all watched for his return.

The use of the name 'Urania' in this proposed title may help to confirm us in the belief that there is no reason why Shelley should not have used the same name in Adonais with the implied meaning of Aphrodite Urania. On the whole I am strongly of opinion that the Urania of Adonais is Aphrodite, and not the Muse.

"We will turn it into a garden filled with ornamental foliage." "That is quite admissable and the broken statues?" "We will get rid of the worst." "The Apollo and the nine Muses stand in the room you intend for an audience-hall do they not?" "Yes." "They are in fairly good condition, I think." "Urania is wanting entirely," said the steward, who was still holding the plan out in front of him.

The invention of them, however, has been attributed to the scholars of Linus, who, according to Diogenes, was the son of Mercury and Urania; he was born at Thebes, and instructed Hercules in the art of music; who, in a fit of anger at the ridicule of Linus, on his awkwardness in holding the lyre, struck him on the head with his instrument, and killed him.

"Then follow me," replied Pontius, leading the way. "What do you say to this Urania? Papias made the head of the Muse, but the figure and the drapery Pollux formed with his own hand in a few days." The imperial artist stood in front of the statue, with his arms crossed, and remained there for some time in silence.