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I figured it out comin' home from Moreton. I'm away in six weeks or less. A chap what's got to dig for a livin' may just as well handle his tools where theer's summat worth findin' hid in the land, as here, on this black, damned airth, wheer your pick strikes fire out o' stone twenty times a day. The Moor's the Moor. Everybody knaws the way of it.

"But, darling," urged Jim Airth, "it is not yet too late. Oh, Myra, I have loved you so! Our love has been so wonderful. Have I not taught you what love is? The poor cold travesty you knew before that was not love! Oh, Myra! you will come away with me, my own belovèd? You won't put me through the hell of leaving you to another man? Myra, look at me! Say you will come."

"Culpeper County!" ejaculated Rogers, bringing his chair to a level with a bang and planting a hand on each knee. "Why, thet's my county, an' thar ain't another lak it on the livin' airth. Cynthy Ann," he called, striding to the back door, "you an' Dink skeer up somethin' extry fur suppah, can't you? This young feller's frum Culpeper County.

"I looked over the fence, and I seed he had hoed jist ten hills of potatoes, and that's all. Fact I assure you. "Sais he, 'Mr. Slick, tell you what, of all the work I ever did in my life I like hoein' potatoes the best, and I'd rather die than do that, it makes my back ache so." "'Good airth" and seas, sais I to myself, 'what a parfect pictur of a lazy man that is! How far is it to Windsor?

Pratt looked around sheepishly. "I do reckon I made a plum ejot of myself last night." "As ush'll," snapped Jennie. "You wanted to go slicin' every man in sight up, just fer to show you could swing a bowie knife when you was on airth the first time."

He and Ruth and your Aunt Lois, they was together a good deal; and they was a ramblin' and a ridin' and a sailin': and so Ruth and the Capting went the way o' all the airth, and fell dead in love with each other. Your Aunt Lois she was knowing to it and all about it, 'cause Ruth she was jest one of them that couldn't take a step without somebody to talk to.

They shall be armed with dog-whips, to bring the brutes to heel. No, we'll not send a hundred, either. We'll send thirty-two, one for each county of Ireland. 'Twould be a trate to see the Army of Independence hidin' thimsilves in the bogs, an' callin' on the rocks an' hills to fall down an' cover thim, an' the airth to swallow them up."

Well, John Adams could no more plough a straight furrow in politics than he could haul the plough himself. He might set out straight at beginnin' for a little way, but he was sure to get crooked afore he got to the eend of the ridge and sometimes he would have two or three crooks in it. I used to say to him, 'How on airth is it, Mr.

Don't you think this the greatest country on airth, and the most lawful?" "Vell, I don'ts know. Das coontry ist das coontry, and it ist vhat it ist, you might see." "Yes; I thought you would be of my way of thinking, when we got to understand each other."

"If I lost you, my belovèd, I should never want to touch any other man's hand, in friendship or otherwise, as long as I lived!" "Ah," mused Jim Airth. "Then you don't consider Lady Ingleby's reason for her decision proved a love such as ours?" Myra laid her beautiful head against his shoulder. "Jim," she said, brokenly, "I do not feel myself competent to discuss any other love.