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They had gone to Hooley's and Sam T. Jack's, then to the Athletic Club and then they called on Hinky Dink and "Bath-House John," the famous Cook County literary light. Where else they had gone they could not remember.

"Where is Cousin Dink?" she asked Polly. "I don't know and I don't care one bit," said Polly, without meaning to be pert but simply declaring the truth. "But did she not bring you here?" "No ma'm! She yanked us out of bed this morning and made us dress just as fast as we could and then she pulled us out in the street " "Did you have no breakfast?"

Dink, too, was in an embrace, but not such a loving one. She had no idea who these persons were who had come upon the scene of action at such an untimely moment. She only knew that a small sandy haired girl had her by the wrists and it was useless to struggle. "Let me go!" she said shrilly. "Who are you anyhow and what do you folks mean by interfering with me and my children?"

"I think that no one, save God in heaven, can have any right to do good, and that is why all those who meddle in His work are so cruelly punished." The old artist's sarcasm was uttered with a supreme effort; he was trying, excellent creature, to quiet the dismay visible in Schmucke's face. "So I dink," Schmucke replied simply. Pons could not understand it.

He had not long to wait. Gilbert came in a few moments, then Leander, and shortly afterward, Dink. Not a word was spoken. Sandy motioned Gilbert to sit in the center seat of the Dolly, while he took his accustomed place at the stern. Noiselessly they pushed into the stream, followed by Leander and Dink. The tide was going out, and had, perhaps, two hours to ebb.

I was just just " The little girl faltered and was silent. "All right, honey, don't you tell me a thing you don't want to tell me," said Josie kindly, "but you must remember that I am your friend and if you need me " "We do need you and I do want to tell you but but " "Now, Polly, you 'member what Cousin Dink said," broke in Peter, with his mouth full of pancakes.

"Polly said Daddy would be a soldier angel and now I'm in heaven with him. Ol' Dink scairt me to death." He closed his eyes contentedly. "Mother! Mother!" cried Polly. In a moment she too was in heaven without having to die to get there. Her mother held her so tight it seemed as though she would never let her from her arms again. "My darling! My darling!" was all Mrs. Waller could say.

What do you know about it?" "Somedimes," said the retainer, "dey keep it in der little room behind der library room." "Can you find it?" asked the m. e. eagerly. "Do you know where it is?" "Mein Gott!" said Heffelbauer. "How long you dink a code live? Der reborters call him a maskeet. But von day he butt mit his head der editor, und " "Oh, he's talking about a goat," said Boyd.

At this very moment, Sandy, Leander, Gilbert and Dink were together, in Sandy's little garret room. Sandy closed the door carefully, locked it, and called his companions about him in the middle of the room. "Boys," he whispered, "afore I sez anythin', I wants yer to gimme yer word, honor bright, an' cross yer heart three times, that yer won't spout a syllable of what I tells yer to a soul."

Of course, I hear from Florry that you have opened a dink of an office somewhere got desk space with the Alaskan Codfish Corporation, haven't you, with the use of their telephone, stenographer and general office boy?" "Yes, sir.