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You neber had no trouble wid er crap-shootin' nigger, ef you had you'd be mo' consarned. Anybody gwine gib me er quarter." "I'll give you a testament," said Jim, looking back and smiling at Tom. "Testament! Ointment you better say," replied Kintchin. "Testament ain't gwine be no mo' fo'ce wid dem niggers den de Lawd's pra'r would wid er wild haug.

There was silence for a few moments, while all three pondered over the strange events which had taken place. It was broken by Jack. "Oh, Buck," he said, "I suppose there is no chance of such a precious thing being in the baggage after all." "Not it," replied Risley. "I packed every consarned thing with my own hands. I had just enough strength for a job like that."

He's taken mine fur sartin an' I begin to think I'm a consarned old fool, that don't know 'nuff to go in when it rains! How I'm goin' to git the wimmin to give up them trinkets, 'thout 'lowin' I've lost my senses, is one too many fur me!" After their Christmas visit to Sandgate Albert had applied himself diligently to the care of Mr. Nason's legal needs.

"I tell you beforehand, sir," said Bryan, with the conscious warmth of rectitude, "and I think I ought to know best, that if you ever hear anything against my honesty or want of principle, or if any one should say that I will be consarned in what's contrary to either law or justice, you'll hear a falsehood I don't care who it comes from and the man who tells you so is a liar."

I'll go bail that, as far as Miss Alice herself is consarned, many a hungry mouth, will be filled many a naked back covered, and many a heavy heart made light through the manes of it." "Faith," said a third spokesman, "and that wouldn't be the case if that skinflint barge of Lindsay's had got it in her clutches. At any rate, it's a shame for her and them to abuse the Goodwins as they do.

It's kind o' ye to be so consarned about my sowl, and I agrees wid ivery word ye say; but I'm not goin' away yit, av ye plaze." He ceased to speak, and again closed his eyes. The doctor and the chaplain chanced to enter the hospital together as Hardy retired. The result of their visit was that they said the corporal was dead, and orders were given to make his coffin.

"They say, sir, there is no one without them," replied Bryan, smiling; "but so far as I am consarned, I don't exactly understand what you mane. I have no connection with anything, either illegal or or wrong in any way, Mr. Clinton, and if any one tould you so, they spoke an untruth."

"Well, I'm Squire Rawson of Ridgely, and I know more law than a hundred consarned blue-bellied thief-hiders like you. Whoever says I am drunk is a liar. But if I was drunk is that any reason for you to let a thief rob me? What is your name? I've a mind to arrest you and run you in myself. I've run many a better man in."

But he would admit of no explanation. "Oh yes, quite parvarted; not a word of truth in it; there never is when England is consarned. There is no beam in an Englishman's eye; no not a smell of one; he has pulled it out long ago; that's the reason he can see the mote in other folks's so plain. Oh, of course it ain't true; it's a Yankee invention; it's a hickory ham and a wooden nutmeg.

All at once the air became filled with the same mysterious sounds that had so alarmed Summers and the other man. "Ye-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ow-w-w-w-w-w-e-e-eeeee!" "Buck! You consarned old ventriloconquest!" shouted Summers, vastly relieved as Bellew burst into a roar of hearty laughter. "Forgot I used to be ventriloquist with a medicine show, eh?" chuckled Bellew, rolling about in his saddle.