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"An' I reckon I can row you round an' acrost, 'thout their plaguey ships a-spyin' us." "Then, by the Lord," said Philip, while Meadows began letting himself down the side of the wharf to the skiff which he knew rode there upon the black water, "'tis enough to make one believe in miracles, my running into you! What were you doing out so late?" "Mum, sir!

Thought you'd like a glass special occasion, sir " His eloquence died away under the startled look in the bride's eyes, but the groom met his happy suggestion with warm approval. "Jest the thing," he said, heartily. "It'll do you good, Maria. Doctors give it when people ain't well, so you can take it 'thout any fear.

"Does you feel happy?" said she, with a reproachful glance at Jennie. "There, look out of the window, Flyaway, darling, and watch to see if Horace isn't coming in from the garden." "Can't Hollis come, 'thout me watching him?" returned Flyaway, winking slowly again, for her sweet little soul was stirred with wrath. The memory of the "skipt" had indeed been driven away, and she could only think,

Oh, mammy! they're gunter snake th' ole house through the village to-morrer, an' we're all gunter have a ride! free gratis for nothin'! 'thout payin' for 't neither! A'n't we, Bill?" Mrs. Williams sits right down, overcome by the surprise. "Now I want to know if that 'ere 's so!" "That's what't looks like now," says Mr. Williams. "We're goin' to be sot opposite Mr. Gingerford's."

An' then all of a sudden I bethowt me that t' mowdiewarps would be sure to find t' pig an' mak quick-sticks o' him afore t' mornin'. Eh! I gat that mad wi' thinkin' on it that I couldn't bide i' bed no longer. I gat up 'thout wakkin' t' missus, an' I crept downstairs i' my stockin' feet, an' went to t' coil-house wheer I kept my spade.

I ain't long fer here, but I couldn't go 'thout you knowin'. I'd meant to git jes' this one haul an' git away to some other country where it was safe, 'nen I was goin' to try'n keep straight like you would want.

"What do you mean, Mrs. Flannagan? Please explain," said the long-suffering Charity lady. "I mean this," said Mrs. Flannagan. "With my own two eyes I seen 'em yestiddy afternoon Mrs. Callahan and them four biggest children walkin' down the street like a rainbow in silk and satin and lace, goin' past my house 'thout lookin' at me any more'n I was one of them cobblestones.

Blows an' boots an' whips an' insults injury, outrage, an' oppression. I would not endoor the degradin' badges o' servitood that connect us with the buggy an' the farm-wagon." "It's amazin' difficult to draw a buggy 'thout traces er collar er breast-strap er somefin'," said Marcus. "A Power-machine for sawin' wood is most the only thing there's no straps to.

"Well, papa, we didn't mean to go 'thout our things on, but two of the beautifullest icebergs hunged down an' we played they was candy an' all the pretty drops said stop, stop, stop, an' " "Yes, an' the 'no was full of 'tars 'at shined right up at us an' laughed an' played hide an' seek wiv each other." "An' Jamie wanted to make a snow man," suddenly remembered Fred.

Go a leetle slow, Mister, an' don't forgit nothin'. You preposed to gimme the p'ar o' pistols fer the bacon an' meal an' salt, an' fer yer dinner an' hoss feed. I've done tole you as how Si Watkins don't never take no pay fer a dinner an' a hoss feed. So you can't offer me the p'ar o' pistols 'thout offerin' to pay fer yer entertainment of man an' beast, an' I won't have that, I tell you."