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They is allers some hard things about workin' the best one knows how ter make a livin' an' help one's folks. The worst of it was havin' no other wimmin folks ter talk to." "Do you mean that you were alone with the crew?" "Sure, ma'am. They wouldn't have no use fer a lot o' wimmin. They was a chap once as wanted ter kiss me an' I hove th' back of me fist ter his jaw, most shockin' hard.

"Thet's jest how that sassafras-colored, bull-beef Joe Nelson got argyfyin' when Jake come around an' located him sleepin' off the night before in the hog-pen. But it don't go no more'n his did, I guess. Howsum, it's wimmin. Say, Tresler," the lean figure leant over toward him, and the wild eyes looked earnestly into his "it's right, then dead right?" "When I've settled with her father and Jake."

Big Medicine looked at him as though he was going to spring upon him in deadly combat but that was only a peculiar facial trick of his. What he did do was to pour that last swallow of hot, black coffee down his throat and then laugh his big haw-haw-haw that could be heard half a mile off. "Y' oughta kep Applehead to home with the wimmin folks, Luck," he bawled unabashed.

Never darst hold her for fear I 'd break her, an' it liked to skeered me to death to see the way Marthy and Lizzie would kind uv toss her round an' trot her so on their knees or pat her so on the back when she wuz collicky like the wimmin folks sez all healthy babies is afore they 're three months old. "You 're goin' to have the namin' uv her," sez Bill to me.

"Well, when he's yer man ye'll not be lettin' other wimmin folks do his knittin' fer he," persisted the ancient dame. I simply refuse to argue any more with them. They have that idea in their hard old heads and it cannot be dislodged.

"Gener'ly fer one of two reasons. Guess it's drink or wimmin." Again he shot a speculating glance at his friend, and, as Tresler displayed more interest in the distant view than in his remarks, he went on. "I ain't heerd tell as you wus death on the bottle." The object of his solicitude smiled round on him. "Perhaps you think me a fool.

I'm no hand at understandin' wimmin-folks, but I know the mother of a strappin' young fella in this town that says she would sooner see her boy dead in her front yard than for him to go off and fight for foreigners. She don't know what this country's got to fight for pretty quick or she wouldn't talk like that. And she ain't the only one. Now, when wimmin talks that way, what do you expect of men?

I hear it's somethin' terrible the way she beat her up screamin' and carryin' on. Oh, they're the divil, these men, when it comes to the wimmin." A slight rustling sound from somewhere sent the two gossipers on their several ways, but Aileen had heard enough to understand. What was she to do? How was she to learn more of these new women, of whom she had never heard at all?

Why, we'd jest kind uv bresh the moisture from our eyes 'nd say: "Mister recordin' angel, you may nolly pros this case 'nd perseed with the docket." I hev allus hed a good opinion uv the wimmin folks. I don't look at 'em as some people do; uv course they're a necessity just as men are.

"I didn't stop to take the rope off my waist, but grabbed the box an' ran for the house with Lissy after me. We had a fire in the stove, an' Lissy warmed a blanket and wrapped the poor thing up an' held it over the stove an' kissed it and took on just as wimmin will.