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"Never mind. What I want to know is did you intend using her to-morrow?" "No, not if you want her. Jerry suits me just as well." "Very well, then. Leave her in the stable." Butler quietly closed the door. Aileen concluded at once that it was a horse conference. She knew he would not dispose of any horse in which she was interested without first consulting her, and so she thought no more about it.

This was enough; the mistress of Champ-au-Haut was again on her guard and well she might be, for Aileen Armagh was in possession of the knowledge that Champney Googe loved her. In joyful anticipation she was waiting for the word which, spoken by him when he should be again in Flamsted, was to make her future both fair and blest.

The party was gay, especially after the adjournment to the Richelieu, where special dishes of chicken, lobster, and a bucket of champagne were served. Later at the Alcott Club, as the gambling resort was known, Aileen, according to Lynde, was to be taught to play baccarat, poker, and any other game that she wished. "You follow my advice, Mrs.

This meeting is the one thing Champney has been dreading and yet longing for. I'm glad it's over." "So am I; and I am inclined to think Father Honoré brought it about; if you remember, he said nothing about Mr. Van Ostend's being here when he stopped just now." "So he didn't!" Aileen spoke in some surprise; then she added with a joyous laugh: "Oh, that dear man is sly bless him!"

"I hope you'll forgive us for all we said as we came down the walk. We certainly had no personal feeling as you must understand, but we were pretty well stirred up over the idea of having to begin junior year with someone we didn't know after having had the same room-mate for three years," explained Aileen diplomatically, striving to pour a drop or two of oil upon perturbed waters.

This time there was no reply from Aileen, for a strange shock passed through her as she observed the momentary smile and no wonder, for many a time had that same mouth smiled upon her with winning tenderness. Of course she did not for a moment suspect the truth, but she thought it strange, nevertheless, that the diver's mouth should have such a strong resemblance to she knew not precisely what!

"Champney's no fool; he's 'bout as interested in this home work as anybody, and if he says it'll be all right, you may bet your life it will be There's Jo Quimber coming; p'raps he's heard something and can tell us." "What's that crowd up to, Uncle Jo?" said Aileen, linking her arm in the old man's and making him right about face to walk on with them. "Talkin' a strike.

"You needn't tell me there's a bear between here and Moosehead I know better. Did you tell Luigi all this?" she questioned sharply. The two nodded affirmatively. "And he told you not to tell me?" Another nod. "Did he say anything more?" "He said he'd go up and see." "Hm m " Mrs. Caukins turned a rather white face to Aileen; the two, looking into each other's eyes, read there a common fear.

Starlight said he was delirious, and that if he hadn't some one to nurse him he'd die as sure as fate. We couldn't be always staying with him, and didn't understand what was to be done much. We didn't like to let him lie there and die, so at long last we made up our minds to see if we could get Aileen over to nurse him for a few weeks.

His growing liberties for himself seemed natural enough, but in a sense of fairness to her he began to talk to her about what their love might involve. Would she? Did she understand? This phase of it puzzled and frightened Aileen a little at first.