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His was merely the most powerful poetic personality among the countless artificers who have endeavored to produce rhythmic and tonal beauty through new structural devices. A parody by F. P. A. in The Conning Tower affords a convenient illustration of the "a" type: ADD SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY Peoria, Ill., Jan. 24.

There is no doubt, however, of the ingenuity of these realistic touches. It is interesting, here, to contrast Strauss with Berlioz, who told his stories largely by extra-musical means, such as the funeral trip, the knell of bells, the shepherd's reed. Strauss at this point joins with the Liszt-Wagner group in the use of symbolic motives. Some of his themes have an effect of tonal word-painting.

In her excitement, Cicely had mistaken her distance; she had flatted by a full half-tone the final upper note, reducing the tonal climax of the overture to the level of a comic song. A few days later, however, Cicely was destined to make an impression upon something besides the nerve centres of her hero. As a rule, Mr.

"Yes," continued MacSweenie, "that iss at the bottom of it at least weemen are, an' that's the same thing." Mowat shook his head doubtfully. "I'm not so sure o' that," he said; "no doubt women have a good deal to do wi' love but they're hardly the same thing." "Weel, Tonal', we will not fall out on that point to-night, for I hev got no leisure to dispute.

No answer having been returned to this query, and the fellows continuing to press on, although now more cautiously, as they had perceived that their intended victim was armed, and stood on the defensive: "Py Shoseph!" said Donald, "you had petter keep your distance, lads, or my name's no Tonal Gorm if I don't gif some of you a dish of crowdy."

If this rule were more generally observed we should have better interpreters of music. A great composition should completely occupy mind and heart before it is attacked by fingers or voice. In that case it would be analyzed as to its form, its tonal structure, its harmonic relations, its phrasing and rhythms, and its musical intention would become luminous.

And yet, with a prodigal stream of native melody and an ancient passion of religious rapture, Italy achieved masterpieces in the opposite fields of the Mass and of Opera. But for the more abstract plane of pure tonal forms it has somehow been supposed that she had neither a power nor a desire for expression.

The degree of attraction of objects in the balanced scheme must be a matter of individual decision as are many other applied principles in temperamental art. Color representing the natural aspect of objects, color containingtone,” and color containing tone quality ortonal quality,” are three aspects of color to be met with in accepted art. Color

Definiteness in tonal relations and rhythmic plan is requisite to produce a defined, enduring impression. In primitive states of music rhythmic sounds were heard, defined by the pulses but with little or no change of pitch, and sounds varying in pitch without regularity of impulse.

He knew a century before the modern impressionists the knack of juxtaposition, of opposition, of tonal division; his science was profound. He must have studied Watteau and the Dutchmen closely. Diderot was amazed to find that his surpassing whites were neither black nor white, but a neuter but by a subtle transposition of tones looked white.