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The actual Austrian Pensioner of merit is a loud-voiced, hard-faced, very limited, but honest little fellow; who has worked a little polygon ditch and miniature hedge round the two Monuments; keeps his own cottage, little garden, and self, respectably clean; and leads stoically a lone life, no company, I should think, but the Sterbohol hinds, who probably are Czechs and cannot speak to him.

He turned quickly from this strange old man with a remote sarcasm in his eyes and a remote affection in his tones. Peter clenched his jaws, his nostrils spread in his effort stoically to bottle up his grief and remorse, like a white man; in an effort to keep from howling his agony aloud, like a negro. He stood with aching throat and blurred eyes, trembling, swallowing, and silent.

He needed her as she had needed him, and Tess had no doubt but that he was on his way to her shanty to ask her aid. "Ye air runnin' from some bloke?" she demanded slyly. "Yes." "But ye air cold," said she, "ye can't walk four miles without a coat." "Where are you going to take me?" Frederick scented a place of safety. "To my hut," replied the squatter stoically. "Wait! Ye stop here a minute."

She offers greater resistance to disease, endures pain and want more stoically, and lives longer; so that while more boys than girls are born in all parts of the world, where statistics are kept, in mature years women always outnumber men. KARL PEARSON denies this. See The Chances of Death, Vol. I, p. 256. London, 1897.

In fact, Black Creek scarcely comported itself as stoically as might have been expected. A messenger was dispatched to the nearest town for a doctor, and his arrival by the night train was awaited with excited impatience. When he came, however, the matter became worse. He had bad news to tell himself.

He had said all the things which he knew others might be expected to say; he had mercilessly expressed what would have been his own judgment had he been asked to pronounce an opinion concerning any other man and woman in like circumstances. As he voiced them they had sounded tragically plausible and stoically just.

When Mary Greenwater returned and found her spouse had vanished, her fury knew no bounds. Ordinarily the Indian squaw might be deserted by her lord and she would stoically accept her fate. Mary might have done so had she not been spoiled by being educated at Carlisle. Her savage blood grew hot for revenge.

Dorn paused before the window of a Japanese art shop and stared at a bulbous wooden god stoically contemplating his navel. During his walks through the streets he sometimes met people he knew. This time a young woman appeared at the window beside him. He recognized her with elation.

The noisy clamour of excited voices guided her to the scene of the accident, and the surrounding crowd opened to let her pass through. The wounded man was sitting holding up his hand stoically for Saint Hubert's ministrations with a look of mild interest on his face. In response to Diana's smile and cheery word he grinned sheepishly with a roll of his fine eyes. Saint Hubert looked up quickly.

Clara was making ready to get out. She braced herself to face Clara, in the light, with a casual exterior but when she had reached her own rooms she sank in a heap in the chair before her writing-table, and laid her head upon the table between her arms. In her wretchedness she found herself turning to Kerr. How stoically he had endured it all, though it must have borne on him most heavily!