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I saw a small cask full of 'platina del Pinto', which she told me she could transmute into gold when she pleased. It had been given her by M. Vood himself in 1743. She shewed me the same metal in four phials.

"I never would sell dem; I svore I never vood, on porpus to be revenged on dat Stobbs." "What! your wound has never been HEALED, eh?" "Vat do you mean vid your bootless errands, and your soling and healing?

In the kitchen, the muffled pounding of a sad-iron upon the padded ironing-board. "Ma!" Mrs. Ericson's whitey-yellow hair, pale eyes, and small nervous features were shadowed behind the cotton fly-screen. "Vell?" she said. "I haven't got noth-ing to do-o." "Go pile the vood." "I piled piles of it." "Then you can go and play." "I been playing." "Then play some more."

Und ven der able seaman sing out, 'Boy, der water-jug! you vood jump quick, like a shot, und bring der water-jug. Und ven der able seaman sing out, 'Boy, my boots! you vood get der boots. Und you vood pe politeful, und say 'Yessir' und 'No sir. But you pe in der American ship, und you t'ink you are so good as der able seamen.

'tis to follow ma jeune maîtresse I go on de bay; and, sair, I wish dey who do love de bay and de sea, would not come into de vood, du tout." "Well spoken, and with ample spirit; what, a student too! one in a wood should glean something from his labors. Is it the art of furling a main cue, that is taught in this pretty volume?"

But afder der vater is gone down, unt dry oop unt eberding, dere vas yet der house dere. Unt my friends dey sait, 'Dot's all you got yet. Vell, feex oop der house dot's someding! feex oop der house, unt you vood still hatt yet a home! Vell, all summer I go to work, unt spent me eberding unt feex der proberty. Den I got yet a morgage on der house!

It was a deadlock, for the strength of his madness was prodigious; but suddenly, without apparent reason, Jan loosed his various grips and rolled over quietly on his back. His adversaries drew away a little, dubious and disconcerted. Jan grinned viciously. "Mine friends," he said, still grinning, "you haf asked me to be politeful, und now I am politeful. Vot piziness vood you do mit me?"

"Vere is dat ornament to his Majesty's service?" I came in from the back shop, where I was polishing the boots, with one of them in my hand. "Look, my dear," says he, "here is an old friend of yours, his Excellency Lort Cornvallis! Who would have thought such a nobleman vood turn shoeblack? Captain Stobbs, here is your former flame, my dear niece, Miss Grotty.

"He said that I'd been seen a-talking to his daughter, Jule Anderson." "Vell, you nebber said no hoorm doo Shule, tid you? If I dought you said vot you zhoodn't zay doo Shule, I vood shust drash you on der shpot! Tid you gwarl mit Shule, already?" "Quarrel with Jule! She's the last person in the world I'd think of quarreling with. She's as good as " "Oh! you pe in lieb mit Shule! You vool, you!

"Now," said Pete, "ef I could find the feller that's a-helpin' them scoundrels rob us folks, I'd help stretch him to the neardest tree." "So vood I," said Schroeder. "I'd shtretch him dill he baid me my dree huntert tollars pack, so I vood." And Betsey Short, who had found the whole affair very funny, was transported with a fit of tittering at poor Schroeder's English.