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"You vas not habby, my leedle schild," he said kindly. "Dere's someding droubling you heart; put you gan no see vay inter der hefens drew dears do' dey vas glear as der lens off my glass." "I fear I shall have to see through tears very often, if I see at all," Mildred replied, with a low, suppressed sob. "Forgive me to-night.

After a long, earnest talk, in which much of the past was revealed on both sides, Dennis drew a small Testament from is pocket and said: "Mr. Bruder, I wish to direct your thoughts to a better Friend than I am or can be. Will you let me read you something about Him?" "Yes, and dank you. But choose someding strong suited to me."

Reifsnyder turned, in a great excitement. "I bait you any money that vas not Henry Johnson! Henry Johnson! Rats!" The scorn put into this last word made it an explosion. "That man was a Pullman-car porter or someding. How could that be Henry Johnson?" he demanded, turbulently. "You vas crazy." The man in the first chair faced the barber in a storm of indignation.

Mr. Latham sent an office boy for Czenki, who a few minutes later appeared with an inquiry in his beady black eyes and a nod of recognition for Mr. Schultze. "Sid down, Mr. Czenki," the German invited. "Sid down und draw a long breath, und den dell Mr. Laadham here someding aboud diamonds." "What is it, please?" Mr. Czenki asked of Mr. Latham. "Mr.

He has frozen to deh fringe off dat Sugar crowd ess t'ough some von hat nipped 'is scarf-pin unt he vos layin' for him ass he game out. He hasn't made a trade to-tay unt yet he sticks like a stamp-tax. I ben keeping my eyes on him for I t'ought he hat someding up his sleeve dat might raise tust ven he tropt id. I dink Parry has hat deh same itear.

Der schpots ish a goot way offen, und vill nefer virl you away; und next dime I dells you someding schmooth und britty." Mildred was glad to hasten through the gathering dusk to her own natural and homelike abode, for the old man's strong descriptions and vivid manner had oppressed her with a vague terror, and it was a long time before she could escape from the spell of his words.

The dog's barking gave place to terrified whinings, which in turn were suddenly quenched to a choking murmur. "Gome in, Sharlie, kvick!" "You got him?" queried Charlie, opening the door cautiously. "Did he bite you?" "Na, yust ma mitten. Gat a sack or someding da die him oop in."

I feel no goot unless I do someding." Some little time after Mrs. Fleet was taken sick a mystery arose. The most exquisite flowers and fruits were left at the house from time to time, marked in a bold, manly hand, "For Mrs. Fleet." But all efforts to discover their source failed.

"Too good to be spoiled," and at this remark the others laughed. "Vell, it's someding like ven dot snake got loose py Putnam Hall," was Hans' comment. "Dot Vingate vos noddings put a snake, hey?" "You hit it that time, Hans," answered Dirk, "A snake and of the worst kind."

I sell me delicatessen at 478 Christie Place. I haf been there for fifteen years." "You were acquainted with the murdered man?" The delicatessen dealer unfolded his hands and waved them significantly. "I was aguainted with him yes. But I was not friendly with him no. He is dead, ain't it? Und it's not right to say someding about the dead. But he was no friend of mine." "I understand.