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At forty miles to the hour the journal was smoking again. At forty-five it burst into flames. Once more it was patiently cooled by bucketings of water drawn from the engine tank; after which necessary preliminary Olson spoke his mind. "Ay tank ve never get someveres vit dat hal-fer-damn brass, Meester Ford. Ay yust see if Ay can't find 'noder wone."

Ole Ericsen, lying on his back close to the rail and grinning upward at the sky, turned over on his side and looked at him. "Ay tank we go into Collinsville yust der same," he said. "But we can't stop," Charley groaned. "I never thought of it, but we can't stop." A look of consternation slowly overspread Ole Ericsen's broad face. It was only too true.

"Where's my brother?" asked Thomas roughly. "Mr. Gray ben still in the barn vorking. It's too bad he haf so much to do he don't get much time mit de missus den she tink he don't vant to come. I'm glad you're back, Mr. Thomas. I vas yust gon in to get ve herd book for him. I took it in to show Edit' someting I vant to explain to her, and left it in ve house. Most dum." "You needn't bring it back.

"Dey are dwins, Laadham," remarked the German quaintly, finally. "Id came by der mail in dis morning yust like das, wrapped in paper, but mit no marks, no name, no noddings. Id yust came!" With his right hand Mr. Latham lifted the duplicate diamond from its cotton bed, and with his left took the other from the German's hand.

I had remarked that I didn't believe there were any more such times, when Mrs Louderer replied, "Dot yust shows how much it iss you do not know. You shall come to mine house and when away you come it shall be wiser as when you left."

"You ain't supposed to know a thing about what's been goin' on to-night, eh?" I asks. Nelse, he shrugs his shoulders. "Aye yust know about work," says he, lyin' free and easy. "That's a swell motto to pin on the wall," says I. "But listen, Nelse, while I put a case to you.

One was a squint-eyed little Cockney that misplaced his aitches, but was always on hand when you wanted anything. Another was a tall, lanky Swede who was always "Yust coomin', sir." Then there was the bristly-haired Hungarian we called Goulash. They'd all seemed harmless enough before; but now we took to sizin' 'em up close.

Olaf's momentum carried him clear over the obstruction in a long, flying fall. Before he could rise, Daylight had whirled him over on his back and was rubbing his face and ears with snow and shoving handfuls down his neck. "Ay ban yust as good a man as you ban, Daylight," Olaf spluttered, as he pulled himself to his feet; "but by Yupiter, I ban navver see a grip like that."

"Ay do it, by Yupiter!" he said, striking one huge fist into the palm of the other hand. "But yust hurry you up with der hook. Der Mary Rebecca slides into der water to-night." It was Saturday, and Charley had need to hurry. We headed for the shipyard blacksmith shop, where, under Charley's directions, a most generously curved hook of heavy steel was made. Back we hastened to the Mary Rebecca.

The Swede regarded him stolidly and shook his head. "How much is the other fellow paying? Three hundred? Well, here's four. Take it." He tried to press it upon him, but the man backed away. "Ay tank not. Ay say him get der skiff boat. You yust wait " 'Here's six hundred. Last call. Take it or leave it. Tell 'm it's a mistake. The Swede wavered.