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At the same moment Tammas hallooed: "Theer he be! yon's yaller un coomin' oot o' drain! La, Sam'l!" And there, indeed, on the slope below them, a little angry, smutty-faced figure was crawling out of a rabbit-burrow.

Some one called, but the words died out in the roar of musketry. The flame of carbines seemed in my very face, the crack of revolvers at my ears. Then a hand jerked me back head first into the debris. I staggered to my knees, only to hear Mahoney shout, "They're coomin', lads, they're coomin'! Howly Mary, we've got 'em now!" "Who's coming?" "Our own fellars, sorr!

"Begorrah," as Mick related to Larrikins subsequently, when we returned to the depot, after our customary payoff leave ashore, "ye nivver sayd sich a coomin' home, sure, ez Tom hed, an' me too, bedad, whin we got up to the owld cottage at Bonfoire Corner.

An' nows an' thens a gert white ullet would coom fleein' through t' boughs, an' all t' time there were lile bats flutterin' about ower t' watter an' coomin' so close agean Doed they ommost brushed his face wi' their wings. "Doed was wellnigh flaid to deeath, but for all that he couldn't tak his een off o' t' squirrels; they'd bewitched him, had t' squirrels.

'So eligible, too private means, no encumbrances, and as good as gold. She sat lost a moment in a pleasing dream. 'Shall I bring oot the tea to you theer, mum? called Sarah gruffly, from the garden door. 'Master and Mr. Elsmere are just coomin' down t' field by t' stepping-stones. Mrs. Thornburgh signalled assent and the tea-table was brought.

P. was cutting the grapevine, as the young ladies were at the roller, down comes Tummus like a roaring whirlwind, with 'Missus, Missus, there's company coomin'! Away skurry the young ladies from the roller, down comes Mrs.

When they entered the cottage, Lisbeth was seated in her arm-chair, too tired with setting out the evening meal, a task she always performed a long time beforehand, to go and meet them at the door as usual, when she heard the approaching footsteps. "Coom, child, thee't coom at last," she said, when Dinah went towards her. "What dost mane by lavin' me a week an' ne'er coomin' a-nigh me?"

"Are they coomin, Mr. Caryll?" "Yes, sir near now." "Lay low," whispered the old man, "and we'll bag the lot, God helpin us." The sound of oars ceased. Out of the silence a voice hailed. "Any one alife on board?" Old Ding-dong hearkened, his cocked hat far over his eyes. That look of the Eternal Child, arch and mischievous, played among the wrinkles about his eyes. "Cuckoo!" he muttered. "Cuckoo!"

'Wheer's it coomin' from? says I. 'Now, never you mind, he says. 'It's safe! 'I don't believe a word you're sayin', says I. 'Ye're havin' me for t' mug! that's about it. An' I went on so at him, 'at i' t' end he tell'd me 'at he wor presently goin' to meet Pratt, and 'at he could get t' brass out o' Pratt an' as much more as iwer he liked to ax for.

But aw mun be gooin'. Nobory can tell what may be coomin to mo Mattie. Aw mun go look, go look! Ha! ha! they couldn't keep mo, owd mon as aw wur! But aw wish aw hed a word wi' th' mon first. Enter WARREN. War. Here he is after all! Tho. Theer be nobory theer, sir. Th' maister's run eawt, and th' mon after him. War. Run out! Tho. Aw niver says what aw donnot mane.