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The editor knew Olson only slightly. "He's a Swede big, fair fellow got caught in that irrigation fake of Hull and Cunningham. Don't know what he was doin' in Denver," the newspaperman said. Lane decided that he would see Olson and have a talk with him. Incidentally, he meant to see all the Dry Valley men who had been in Denver at the time Cunningham was killed.

Halfdan declared with a timid tremor in his voice that he could not at the moment recall his features. "No, I imagine I must have changed a good deal since you saw me," said the man, suddenly dropping into Norwegian. "I am Gustav Olson, I used to live in the same house with you once, but that is long ago now."

The air was full of sifted white dust, and the road furrow was rapidly filling. Soon it would be obliterated. Already the horses were panting and struggling as they ploughed forward. Sheba tramped behind the stage-driver and in her tracks walked Mrs. Olson, the other passenger. Through the muffled scream of the storm Swiftwater shouted back to Sheba. "You wanta keep close to me."

"This Olson brings out his two crawfish an' fetchin' ajar of water from the spring, he drops in a crawfish an' incites an' aggravates Zekiel that's the name of Bill's raccoon to feel in an' get him a whole lot. "Zekiel ain't none shy on the play.

I'll never forget that day or its surprises. We reckoned, or rather guessed, that we were somewhere off the coast of Peru. The wind, which had been blowing fitfully from the east, suddenly veered around into the south, and presently we felt a sudden chill. "Peru!" snorted Olson. "When were yez after smellin' iceber-rgs off Peru?" Icebergs! "Icebergs, nothin'!" exclaimed one of the Englishmen.

His feet, in tan laced shoes, were ordinary feet, a little more than ordinarily expert, perhaps, in the convolutions of the dance at Englewood Masonic Hall, which is part of Chicago's vast South Side. No; a faun, to Miss Bauers, Miss Olson, Miss Ahearn, and just Gertie, was one of those things in the Lincoln Park Zoo. Perhaps, sometimes, they realized, vaguely, that Nick was different.

"I'm telling you right, old man; he's the luckiest Jew in the country. He let a lay to McCarthy and Olson, and they took out six hundred thousand dollars, after Christmas." "Guth offered me a half interest in the Lulu when his store burned and I turned it down. He's never paid me for that assessment work." The Nomeite was speechless with amazement. "The son-of-a-gun!" he said, finally.

The Geier had sunk while we were still battling upon our deck, and afterward we had drawn away toward the north, leaving the survivors to the attention of the single boat which had been making its way toward us when Olson launched the torpedo.

Maybe if the men were to go into politics " "Politics?" cried Olson. "My God! How long have you been in this place?" "Only a couple of months." "Well, stay till November, and see what they do with the ballot-boxes in these camps!" "I can imagine, of course " "No, you can't. Any more than you could imagine the graft and the misery!" "But if the men should take to voting together "

She asked him what he intended to do about a settlement. 'Not a thing, he told her. 'I did aim to give Hull two thousand to get rid of him. But I've changed my mind, ma'am. You can go whistle for it." "Two thousand! Did he say two thousand?" Kirby leaned forward eagerly. "That's what he said. Two thousand," answered Olson. "Then that explains why he drew so much from the bank that day."