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I thought you and the rector were complete strangers till I introduced you yesterday." "So we were." Malling sat down comfortably on a sofa. His action evidently recalled Chichester's mind to the fact that he was to see the rector. "Isn't the rector coming to see me?" he asked. "Almost directly. He's busy for a few minutes. We were smoking together in his study."

Mr Brindley imperiously raised his stick; the extraordinary box of light stopped as if by a miracle, and we jumped into it, having splashed through mud, and it plunged off again bump, bump, bump into the town of Bursley. As Mr Brindley passed into the interior of the car, he said laconically to two men who were smoking on the platform 'How do, Jim? How do, Jo? And they responded laconically

For he kept thinking of that absurd Bakhtiari, and of the telegraph operator, and of M'sieu Guy, and the others, as he sped northward on the silent moonlit river. "This is very well, eh, Gaston?" uttered the Brazilian at last. "We march better without our objects of virtue." Gaston felt that he smiled as he lay smoking on his rug in the bottom of the boat.

Many other individuals, bent upon the same journey as ourselves, were lounging and smoking before the house, or partaking of the refreshments. Most were travelling on horseback; some in gigs, and some in light spring-carts. A famous round of cold beef, with bottled ale and porter, proved extremely agreeable after our drive.

Come up here and stand forninst me, till I give ye a piece of me mind. Now, what's all this about the O'Briens and the Sullivans lavin' the counthry? What have ye been about wid them?" A fairy who had not been in the hall before had just come in at the far end from the King, who had caught sight of him. He was smoking a pipe.

Gunn, after cursing him for his slowness and awkwardness, drew his chair to the table and made the meal of one seldom able to satisfy his hunger. He finished at last, and after sitting for some time smoking, with his legs sprawled on the fender, rang for a candle and demanded to be shown to his room. His proceedings when he entered it were but a poor compliment to his host.

Placing the rifle he had carried on his shoulder, in a corner of the room, he advanced to the hearth, and without speaking, or seemingly looking at me, lighted his pipe and commenced smoking.

But he rose only the more determined upon his errand, and kept his eyes fixed on the wreck of the Flanton Dog. Bob Cooper, who was idly strolling up and down the block, smoking a cigarette, as he watched the flitting girlish shadows in a certain window opposite, saw the child's frantic struggles in the snow and was intensely amused. "Bah Jove!" he chuckled.

The plague had already well diminished their numbers, but enough still lived to be a constant menace to us. Many of the beautiful residences were untouched by fire, yet smoking ruins were everywhere. The prowlers, too, seemed to have got over their insensate desire to burn, and it was more rarely that we saw houses freshly on fire.

Brasher retreated from its neighborhood. "Thank you, Mr. Tress, I am no smoker, as you are aware. And I have no desire to acquire the art of smoking by means of a poisoned pipe." Tress laughed. He blew out the match and threw it into the grate. "Then I tell you what I'll do I'll have up Bob." "Bob why Bob?"