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I think it would hardly matter to you whether the coin were a quarter or a dime; but what would matter would be your amazement that there still was any kindness left on the earth; and perhaps you might almost be tempted to believe in God again. And then well, what would it matter to any one what you did with your miraculous coin? This is my friend's favourite way of spending his money.

When Williams did introduce him, they were rather silent, asking after Collie in monosyllables. They seemed strangely reticent. Both Williams and Overland felt an inexplicable tensity in the situation. Miguel, the young Mexican vaquero, broke silence. "How long you call it to this Gophertown place, I think?" "Thirty miles," said Overland. "Walkin' backwards like Miguel's talk," said Billy Dime.

Your week's gone in breakage, anyways, and he'll split up the place when he comes. Clear out, girl, and here for car fare." Out in the street, her jacket not quite on and her hat clapped askew, Ann 'Lisbeth found herself quite suddenly scuttling down a side-street. In her hand a dime burnt up into the palm.

The seventh, that the dime and tenth part of the possessions should be given to the church. After this the emperor came to St. Peter's church and confessed meekly all his sins tofore all people, and what wrong he had done to Christian men, and made to dig and cast out to make the foundements for the churches, and bare on his shoulders twelve hods or baskets full of earth.

The pile was sufficiently large to reassure her, so she abstracted two quarters; then, in an excess of caution, returned one coin and took a dime in its place. Lorelei did not secure another word alone with the dresser until the middle of the second act, by which time Mrs. Croft was her own colorless, work-worn self once more. "I don't know no more than I told you," she informed Lorelei. "Mr.

But the dime in his pocket was a reminder of last week's procrastinating failure. "Can't," said he finally. "Why?" "Got to work sell papers." Silvey stared, scarcely believing his ears. John scuffed the school walk with one sadly abused shoe. "You see," he went on reflectively, "I've got to have a thousand dollars by the time I'm twenty-one." "What for?" "Get married." "That girl again!"

"The dime," said I, "was the price of listening to your story." "Right on the point of the jaw," said he. "Go on." And then, incredible as it may seem to the lovers in the world who confide their sorrows only to the night wind and the gibbous moon, I laid bare my secret to that wreck of all things that you would have supposed to be in sympathy with love.

A dime was one bit, but two dimes were not two bits; and it was only a very mean person in our estimation who would change his half dollar into five dimes and get five bits' worth of goods for four bits' worth of silver. Sunday is ever the people's day, and a San Francisco Sunday used to be as lively as the Lord's Day at any of the capitals of Europe.

As the business is now done, they are compelled to draw upon their imagination for a place of endless punishment, and a great many people, who would be frightened out of their boots if the minister could show them hell as he sees it, look upon his talk as a sort of dime novel romance.

About a hundred and fifty a week net, for the first three weeks. And Anna's salting away a hundred and ten of it. Every morning I draw a clean handkerchief, and a dime for dissipation, and she keeps a clutch on the rest." "Hm! A hundred and fifty. That's good money, Henry." "Well, that's the only kind we take. But you can see for yourself what this thing's done to us.