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Good order is the foundation of all good things. To be enabled to acquire, the people, without being servile, must be tractable and obedient. The magistrate must have his reverence, the laws their authority. The body of the people must not find the principles of natural subordination by art rooted out of their minds. They must respect that property of which they cannot partake.

It has shown that that which we actually have in the Scriptures is just that which Kant, with his reverence for the freedom of the human mind, had indicated that we must have, if revelation is to be believed in at all. With this changed view has come an altered attitude toward many statements which devout men had held that they must accept as true, because these were found in Scripture.

Frank did not answer; he stood perfectly passive in Andrew's hands, and cast his eyes on the ground. "Don't yer hear his reverence?" shouted the latter in the boy's ear. "I dunno," said Frank faintly. "You'd better let me run him over to Aylesford and have him locked up, sir," said Andrew. "He'd find a tongue then."

Tell me," he adds contemptuously, "is genius honoured among you?" "Faith, it is honoured, your Reverence," said my grandfather, "but never encouraged." This answer so pleased the Dean that he bade Mr. Carvel dine with him next day at Button's Coffee House, where they drank mulled wine and old sack, for which young Mr. Carvel paid.

Michael used the ordinary form of a Moslem in addressing one of a higher spiritual station than himself. In Egypt even the native Christians reverence Moslem saints or holy men. They pay frequent visits to them to ask for counsel and to hear their prophecies, to beg a hair of them in memory, "and dying, mention it within their wills, bequeathing it as a rich legacy unto their issue."

I cherish the image of thy purity in my bosom, that in my last hour, acceptable in thine eyes, my soul may leave my body." Thus did Dante impersonate the worship of Venus Urania, spiritual tenderness overcoming sensual desire. Thus faithful to the traditions of this great poet did the austere Michael Angelo do reverence to the virtues of Vittoria Colonna.

It is more important to recognise that the holy God exists and reigns than to see clearly in what His holiness, and indeed all holiness, consists. The sentiment of reverence is more important than the perception of that universality which we now know to be the essential characteristic of the Moral Law.

To the Germans of every age this great river has been the object of an affection and reverence scarcely inferior to that with which an Egyptian contemplates the Nile, or the Indian his Ganges.

Garrison persuaded him that Nita looked up to him with admiration and reverence that would speedily develop into wifely love were now proved to be machinations. He knew that Nita feared him, shrank from him and was very far from loving him, and he believed that despite her denials and fears and protestations she loved young Latrobe.

'Ah, your reverence, you're going to say that I shouldn't have given the child to her, and I wouldn't if I hadn't trod on a stone and fallen against the wall, and got afeard the child might be hurt. 'Well, well, said Father Oliver, 'you see there's no child 'But you'll be waitin' a minute for the sake of the poor child, your reverence? Patsy will be comin' back in a minute. On that Mrs.