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"I didn't think you'd do such a thing, Scar, and " "You thought just the same," said Scarlett, quickly, "and meant to take the boat before I was up, and that's why you are here." He looked sharply at Fred, who thrust his hands in his pockets, and suddenly became interested in the movements of a bald coot, which was paddling in and out among the reeds which grew right into the lake.

Even the dingy Midland landscape, with its smoke-blackened woods and lifeless grass, assumed a glory of great light; the soft, interlacing clouds parted before the dying sun; the water received the golden flood, and each coot and water-hen shone jet and glossy in the blaze.

"He is a tog! No, he is no tog: togs is coot. He is a mongrel of a fox and a volf!" "There was no Campbell at our table that evening," persisted Lady Florimel. "Ten who tolt Tuncan MacPhail a lie!" "It was nothing but a joke indeed!" said the girl, beginning to feel humiliated. "It wass a paad choke, and might have peen ta hanging of poor Tuncan," said the piper.

Now just look what your lack of brains has caused us! You dragged us off the road, and now we have another busted wheel to bother about! You are just a lousy old coot!" "Now, now," said Lambert. "You needn't speak so unkindly to this fine animal. I'll be happy to take him off your hands if he's such a ... a coot, I think you said?" "Yeah!" begged the ox. "Let him have me!

I can understand Eugen Pattenhausen, the owl-eyed coot who runs the International Aid Society, not doing a hand's turn to aid anybody but Bevan! For Heaven's sake, while you're there call at the Embassy and kick him."

Barker at the apothecary's and got him to come home 'th me; but of course, 'twan't the same as if it was the young man!" Lemuel's arm fell from Statira's waist in his torment. "Why, Lemuel!" she said in tender reproach. "Why, you coot!" cried 'Manda Grier in utter amazement at his single-mindedness; and burst into a scream of laughter. She took the teapot from the stove, and set it on the table.

"But don't you see," objected Senator Coot, who was learned in the cant of currency and believed it, "don't you see that what you propose, by putting up the price of gold and putting down the price of everything else, would multiply riches in the hands of the creditor class? Wouldn't it work injustice to the debtors of the land?" "Without pausing to guess," said Mr.

Sparkfair seemed to be in good trim, for he whipped over a couple of benders which fooled Barney, who missed them both. "Vait till der pat gets holdt uf me," muttered Dunnerwurst. "Der ball nefer coot hit dot Irishman." Barney struck out. "Don'd some more fun make uf me," advised Hans. There was a hush as Frank Merriwell picked up a bat and stepped into the box.

"But you forget your husband," I insinuated, seeing that that worthy individual began to look rather black at the idea of having a rival in his wife's affections. "O Lord! what's the use of mentioning Barney? He's a poor coot, and will soon get used to my ways; won't you, deary?" The husband didn't make an audible reply, but I understood him to say "Damn," quite distinctly.

The old man thought for a little. "Tat will tepend on who was pe your father, my son," he replied. "If he too will be a Cam'ell ochone! ochone! Put tere may pe some coot plood co into you, more as enough to say God will pe make you, my son. Put don't pe asking, Malcolm. Ton't you 'll pe asking." "What am I no to ask, daddy?" "Ton't pe asking who made you who was ta father to you, my poy.