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What's the use?" he cried fiercely. "Say, have you ever had hell smashed out of your features by a lousy dude? No. Well, I owe a bit a hell of a bit to some one, and I guess I don't owe nothing in this world else but money. Debts o' this sort I generally pay when I get the chance. You're goin' to give me that chance." Fyles had satisfied himself. The man sickened him.

His house is the picture of hell in little, and the original of the letters patent of his office stands exemplified there. A chamber of lousy beds is better worth to him than the best acre of corn-land in England.

Trunnion that instant desired his counsellor to prepare his cartridge-box, and order the quietest horse in the stable to be kept ready saddled for the occasion; his eye seemed to lighten with alacrity and pleasure at the prospect of smelling gunpowder once more before his death; and when Jack advised him to make his will, in case of accident, he rejected his counsel with disdain, saying, "What! dost thou think that Hawser Trunnion, who has stood the fire of so many floating batteries, runs any risk from the lousy pops of a landman?

Blankets, look um all get lousy. Not very good camp, heem," said the Canadian, plainly showing his disgust at the general disorder about the place. "I know it, old chap. It looks like the sloppiest kind of a place to me, but then I'm not supposed to know anything about camps and woods. I come from Boston, you see. The other fellows are the campers. They are Vermonters, from St.

"They don't give a hoot whose grandfather owned what, and if anything's battered up a little, they don't think it looks quaint, they think it looks lousy. And they've never heard of inflation; they think arms ought still to sell for the sort of prices they brought at the old Mark Field sale, back in 1911." "What were you looking at?" Dot asked Rand, then glanced at the musket in Pierre's hands.

Calmly he picked the biggest lumps of struggling forms, and fired again and again, until there was no more motion left except an even rotation. He soon located Fanshaw. His unarmored body was bloated and drying, his mouth gaped, his shovel teeth were exposed to the stars and the distant, naked sun. Nelsen had to think back to six dead young men and a girl, to keep from feeling lousy.

At times he was drunk for forty hours at a stretch, when he would shut himself in his cabin and leave his ship to the care of Cockle, who navigated with the sober portion of the crew. And such a lousy, brawling lot of convicts I had never clapped eyes upon.

A few days later I happened to call at the Colonial camp, and was asked to dine by one of the officers. "Like venison?" he asked cheerily. "Yes, when it comes my way," I replied. "Got some to-day," he said. "It's nicely hung, too; not fresh from the gun." "Shoot it yourself, eh?" "Well, no, not exactly; was out on patrol on Monday, and saw a couple of lousy Dutchmen.

So he's helping Schulberg make agreements with the sections the volunteers don't handle. Place is lousy with people now. Heard about Mayor Wayne?" Gordon shook his head, not caring, but the man went on. "He must have had his supply of drugs lifted somehow. He holed up one day, until it really hit him that he couldn't get any more.

War is teaching it a damned lot, good temper and pretty ways and what not It is teaching it! Who says it is not? Darling Chloe, if you could see how long and lean and brown we are and how ragged we are and how lousy Of course, of course, sergeant, you're not!