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"May the saints presarve yer honner," exclaimed Macan with effusion as he was thus dismissed, but he was still not satisfied apparently at his word being doubted; for, as he passed us, working his way forward by a series of short tacks, he kept on muttering half aloud, much to our amusement, "It's all through that blissid Scotch sawbones wid his long `dog nose' as he calls it, sayin' it wor whisky.

"I ased off the catfalls an' shank painter iver since the mornin'; an', sure, the blissid anchor is a-cockbill, all riddy to lit go whin ye gives the worrud." "And the cable how many shackles have you got up?" "Thray lingths, sorr. I thought that enough for the river, wid a fower fathom bottom; so, I've bitted it at that, an' me an' Jackson are a- sayin' about clearin' the cable range now."

The clerk took it. It was a dispensary ticket. He explained the mistake, and told the applicant where she should go to obtain medicine and advice. "No, dochthor, dear it's no mistake it's the water cure I'm after. Sure it's the blissid wather that saves us.

It's mysilf that'll be down on me blissid nose av ye go staggerin' about in that fashion. Sure it's Losh, the spalpeen, that would carry the canoe better than you." Gaspard made no reply. Bryan staggered on, growling as he went, and in another minute they were hid from view among the bushes.

"Howly Moses!" exclaimed the mate. "Be aisy, can't ye. What's the matter wid ye, you spalpeen, to be rooshin' on deck like a bull in a china shop? Spake, you blissid omahdawn, or I'll shake the loife out of ye!"

Gineral Patterson an Irishman! no, sir; or there would have been bluidy noses at Bunker's Hill or Winchester, and that would have saved some at Bull Run." "On with your story, Terence," said the crowd. "Beggin' your pardon, there's no story about it, the blissid truth, ivery word of it. "Will, you see, while our ould Colonel, under the Gineral's orders, had me guarding a pratie patch "

Our old man, thinkin' there might be sowls in the blissid thing, puts the vessel off ov her coorse to fetch to windward ov it; and blest if what the look-out man thought was a boat wasn't the self-same carkiss ov that there sthripy mule we hove over three weeks before!" "You'll do," was the comment of Jorrocks to this story.

"Och! yees ud like to shlape an shnore an' grunt and rowl over an' shnore agin the whole blissid time," snapped Sweeny, always angered by a word of discouragement. "Yees ought to have a dozen o' thim nagurs wid their long poles to make a fither bed for yees an' tuck up the blankets an' spat the pilly. Why didn't ye shlape all ye wanted to whin yees was in the boat?"

"Terrence, are you telling me the truth?" he asked. "Ivery blissid word of it is the gospel truth, me frind," Terrence answered. "The little girl still lives at the village beyant Baltimore, and if ye want her, ye kin win her." "Terrence, you are trifling with me; Morgianna cares nothing for me." "Don't ye belave it. If she didn't, why did she ask about ye the very first chance she had?

And anyway you know how many of the blissid saints and angels was women on the earth, and how it was their work to kape things clane and pleasant for them they loved. And that ain't a work to be ashamed of by girl or b'y." The little boys busily eating had seemed not to notice. Only Mike had looked on with interest. But into all their hearts had sunk the lesson that gentlemen did not fight.