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Orion gazed at her anxiously. "You do look queer," he said; "your eyes are bigger than ever, and they stare so. What's the matter, Di?" "Nothing," said Diana. "Aren't you going to eat your supper?" "I's wather sick," said Diana; "I don't want to eat. You had best eat all you can, Orion." "Yes, I had best," answered Orion, "'cos I won't have strength to run away if I hasn't plenty of food."

"Musha, lad, but ye're booked for the blue wather now, an' no mistake!" said Barney, looking with an expression of deep sympathy at the poor boy, who sat staring before him quite speechless. "The capting'll not let ye out o' this ship till ye git to the gould coast, or some sich place.

Pat gasped for breath. "Ye towld him that! Ye did! Yer a danged sun- baked herrin' av a man wid no proper spirit at all. Fwhat the hell do ye mane to be so slanderin' me reputation an' two or three hundred miles av disert between me an' him? For a sup av wather I'd go to ye wid me two hands." Texas Joe laughed outright. "Let's have another drink instead," he said.

The clerk took it. It was a dispensary ticket. He explained the mistake, and told the applicant where she should go to obtain medicine and advice. "No, dochthor, dear it's no mistake it's the water cure I'm after. Sure it's the blissid wather that saves us.

When she found herself on the gravel sweep she stood very firmly on her two fat legs and looked her five cousins all over. "You aren't none of you much to boast," she said; "I'd wather have the animals." Then she turned her back and gazed around her at the view. Meanwhile, Orion was being helped out of the carriage.

Donovan, "are you unwell, dear? you look as pale as death. Let me get you a drink of fresh milk." "If he's weak," said Fardorougha, "an' he looks weak, a drink of fresh wather 'ud be betther for him; ever an' always a drink of wather for a weak man, or a weak woman aither; it recovers them sooner." "Thank you, kindly, Mrs.

'Just thin Crook comes up, blue an' white all over where he wasn't red. "Wather!" sez he; "I'm dead wid drouth! Oh, but it's a gran' day!" 'He dhrank half a skinful, and the rest he tilts into his chest, an' it fair hissed on the hairy hide av him. He sees the little orf'cer bhoy undher the Sargint. "Fwhat's yonder?" sez he.

An' with that he lifted the bottle of holy wather, but it was hardly to his mouth, whin he let a screech out, you'd think the room id fairly split with it, an' made one chuck that sent the leg clane aff his body in my father's hands. Down wint the squire over the table, an' bang wint my father half-way across the room on his back, upon the flure.

"I'm seein' things two at a time, b' Jazus!" he answered. "We've got plenty of nothin' but wather, maybe ye'd like a good dhrink, Billy?" Before he could reply the bogman raised himself to a half-sitting posture, and yelled with all the power of his lungs: "Whoa! back, ye dhirty baste, back!" The wild yell chilled the blood in our veins.

All protestants wather fully disposed, or ainly half-disposed, as may be the case with the English kirk all protestants agree in condemning the varry word catholic, which is a sign and a symbol of the foul woman o' Babylon." "Then, Jamie, they agree in condemning what they don't understand. I should be sorry to think I am not a member of the catholic church myself."