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"Do so, father," said the son, with deep compassion; "God knows but you're sufferin' enough to wear you out." "It is," said Fardorougha, "it is." A silence of some minutes ensued, during which, Connor perceived that the old man, overcome with care and misery, had actually! fallen asleep with his head upon his bosom. This circumstance, though by no means extraordinary, affected him very much.

"I can scarcely tell you, dear John," she said, speaking rapidly, "it's Fardorougha O'Donovan, Connor's father; as you know his business, John, stay in the parlor;" she squeezed his hand, and added with a smile on her face, and a tear in her eye, "I fear it's all over with me I don't know whether to laugh or cry but stay, John dear, an' fight my battle Una's battle."

"You are too much distressed every way, father," said his son, taking his place upon his iron bedstead beside him. "I am," said Fardorougha, calmly; "I am too much distressed sit nearer me, Connor. I wish your mother was here, but she wasn't able to come, she's unwell too; a good mother she was, Connor, and a good wife."

Both, therefore, left them to themselves; and we, in like manner, must allow that delicious interview to be sacred only to themselves, and unprofaned by the gaze or presence of a spectator. The Bodagh and his wife were highly gratified at the steps their children had taken to provide for the comfort of Fardorougha and his wife.

"Ay," said Fardorougha, "his mother an' I's here, but where is he? Nine days from this; but it 'ill kill me it will it will. Whin he's taken from me, I don't care how soon I folly him; God forgive me if it's a sin to say so!" "Fardorougha," said his wife, in a tone of affectionate reproof, "remember what you promised me, an', at all evints, you forget that Mr.

I will, an' while I'm alive I'll never say a word against the will of my heavenly Saviour; never, never." "Fardorougha," replied his wife, "it's good, no doubt, to have a grateful heart to God; but I'm afeard there's sin in what you're sayin', for you know, dear, that, whether it plased the Almighty to take yur boy, or not, what you've promised to do is your duty.

When Fardorougha reached the town in which his ill-fated son occupied the cell of a felon, he found to his surprise that, early as were his habits, there were others whose movements were still more early than his own.

However, what's done can't be undone; so, once we mix it, he'll be too late to spake if he comes in, any way." The punch was accordingly mixed, and they were in the act of sitting down to enjoy themselves with more comfort when Fardorougha entered.

Fardorougha, ever, since the passion of avarice had established its accursed dominion in his heart, narrowed by degrees his domestic establishment, until, towards the latter years of his life, it consisted of only a laboring boy, as the term is, and a servant girl. Indeed, no miser was ever known to maintain a large household; and that for reasons too obvious to be detailed.

"Fardorougha dear, Fardorougha asthore machree, won't you be guided by me? You're now on your death bed, an' think of God's marcy it's that you stand most in need of. Sure, ayourneen, if you had all the money you ever had, you couldn't bring a penny of it where you're goin'." "Well, but I'm givin' Connor advice that'll sarve him.