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On the shore life was even less tolerable, for the swarms of mosquitoes compelled the wretched wanderers to bury themselves up to their very faces in the sand. Worn-out with suffering, their one wish was to return to Panamá.

"She's got a ride in a carriage at last, poor soul!" said one, thinking of the worn-out body in the coffin; and another said: "I wonder what poor old Jock would think of all this?" But the scene made its impression, and left its lesson. I think the voices of some of them were lower during the rest of the day because of it. What next? It was the question that filled Mrs. Roberts' thoughts.

It occurred to Sister Hyacinthe that the happiest way of entertaining these poor worn-out folks would be for someone to read aloud; and she promised that she would allow Monsieur l'Abbe to read them the finish of Bernadette's life, some of the marvellous episodes of which he had already on two occasions related to them.

But Astrardente, decayed roué and worn-out dandy as he was, was in love with his wife; and she, in all the young magnificence of her beauty, submitted to be loved by him, because she had promised that she would do so, and because, having sworn, she regarded the breaking of her faith by the smallest act of unkindness as a thing beyond the bounds of possibility.

Quite distinctly he saw two little feet, with bare toes peeping out of worn-out moccasins, and then round, bare, symmetrical ankles that had been scratched by brush. Next he saw Ellen Jorth's passionate face as she looked when she had made the violent action so disconcerting to him. In this happy moment the memory seemed farther off than a few hours. It had crystallized.

A worn-out worldling, whom the world has ceased to charm, is one of the most pitiable creatures alive. Sir Godfrey Foljambe had not arrived at that point; he was in a condition less unhappy, but quite as perilous. To him the world had offered a fresh apple of Sodom, and he had grasped it as eagerly as the first.

Oh, when the deliverer came so near, in the dull anguish of her worn-out sympathies did she never long to cry, "Death, come in"? But no; we have no right to ascribe such a wish to our friend Rose. She never failed in a wife's duty to her poor sick husband.

Do you know hour much money there was in that worn-out wallet of his? Nearly a hundred dollars! Almost two months' wages and yet those darkies seldom have a penny. Well what Thomas knew will be buried with him." Halsey suggested that the grounds be searched, but Mr. Jamieson vetoed the suggestion. "You would find nothing," he said.

It is to be hoped that the present stirring up of our society from its uttermost depths, with its consequent exploding of worn-out theories, which have hitherto held their places only through our national lethargy with its sweeping away of old-time prejudices, and mingling together of elements which have hitherto existed distinct and aloof from each other, will result in bringing true merit to the surface, in awakening our people to a loftier appreciation of the good and the true, thereby establishing a higher moral standard among us; that purer motives will henceforth actuate our society.

At last we sees the old pony's head coming bobbing along through the scrub along the worn-out cattle track, grown up as it was, and sure enough there was Aileen on him, with her gray riding skirt and an old felt hat on.