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Be 't licht or dark, be 't foul or fair, the sea sleepin' or ragin', ye ha'e aye room, an' naething atween ye an' the throne o' the Almichty, to the whilk yer prayers ken the gait, as weel 's the herrin' to the shores o' Scotlan': ye ha'e but to lat them flee, an' they gang straucht there.

"O for my ain king, quo' gude Wallace, The rightfu' king of fair Scotlan'; Between me and my sovereign dear I think I see some ill seed sawn."

He thought Donal was boring his guests, and at the same time preventing Gibbie from having the pleasure in their society for the sake of which they had been invited. Donal rose, replying, "Think ye sae, sir? I thoucht I was in auld Scotlan' still here as weel's upo' Glashgar. But may be my jography buik's some auld-fashioned. Didna ye un'erstan' me, mem?" he added, turning to Ginevra.

He was dressed as never man had appears in Scotlan' afore glorious withoot no like the leddy i' the Psalms for yer ee cud licht nowhaur but there was the glitter o' a stane, sae 'at he flashed a' ower, ilka motion he made.

"But there's mair intill 't than that," persisted Malcolm. "I doobt gien there was ony whusky i' thae times aither; for I hard a gentleman say the ither day 'at hoo he had tastit the first whusky 'at was ever distillt in Scotlan', an' horrible stuff it was, he said, though it was 'maist as auld as the forty-five." "Confound your long wind! Go on," said the marquis peremptorily.

'There's mair o' them, I gether, she said, 'and mair remarkable anes, in oor ain coonty nor in ony ither in Scotlan'. I hae mysel seen nane but this. Then she told him how Steenie had led the way to its discovery. By the time she ended, Gordon was really interested chiefly, no doubt, in finding himself possessor of a thing which many men, learned and unlearned, would think worth coming to see.

Hurd as 'as 'is orfice at Scotlan' Yard, and take 'im with you." "Oh! but I couldn't " "You go," advised Mrs. Tawsey. "There's five pounds offered for the brat's bein' found." "Five pun!" gasped Mrs. Purr, trembling. "Lor', and me 'avin' a chanct of gittin' it. I'll go I'll go. I knows the Yard, 'avin' 'ad summat to do with them dirty perlice in my time. Miss Sylvia " "Yes, go, Mrs.

He has done great wark doon in the west country, an' he is weel fitted and able to be the spokesman for the miners o' Scotlan'. I'm no gaun' to say ony mair, but I can say that it gie's me great pleasure to ask Mr. Smillie to address ye." A round of applause greeted Smillie as he rose to address them.

"Haud yer tongue afore ye lee, man," interrupted his wife. "Ye ken weel eneuch ye wad du what Ma'colm MacPhail wad hae ye du, for ony factor in braid Scotlan'."

"It come about in a business way, an' in a business way it's kept on. Not a dollar of McNabb money passes through the hands of Orcutt's Wolverine Bank an' he could have had it all, an' he knows it. "As ye know, I started out, a lad, with the Hudson's Bay Company, an' I'd got to be a factor when an old uncle of my mother's in Scotlan' died an' left me a matter of twenty thousand pounds sterling.