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It's auld an' casten an' bow-ribbit, it's true, but it wad ill become me to drap it wi'oot a thoucht, whan him 'at could mak haill loaves, said, 'Gether up the fragments 'at naething be lost. Na," she continued, still looking about her, "I maun jist dee my duty by the auld umbrell; syne come o' 't 'at likes, I carena."

I have lost in the race for money and good things, and I am not such a fool as to pretend to 'ee now I am poor, and you have got alto- gether above me.

Well; I was beginnin' to tell 'em plain an' straight-forrud what I would have done, when one o' these three sheawted out to th' whole lot, "Here, chaps, come an' gether reawnd th' devil. Let's yer what he's for!" 'Well, said I, 'come on, an' you shall yer, for aw felt cawmer just then, than I did when it were o'er.

Lord! but I'm that tickled! This here wood ain't much needed in the house, the wood-boxes 're all full, but I can't devise no other excuse for vacatin' thess at this time. S'pose I might gether up some eggs out 'n the nestes, but it'd look sort o' flighty to go egg-huntin' here at midnight an' he not two hours ol'. I dunno, either, come to think; she might need a new-laid egg sof b'iled.

Ilka ane o' ye 'at hears, maun luik efter the neist; and sae we'll a' gether at Curly's. Fess yer bags for the stanes, them 'at has bags." "But gin ye dinna see or hear, for it's a lang road, General?" interposed Cadger. "Gin I'm no at your yard, Curly, in saiven minutes an' a half, sen' Linkum efter me. He's the only ane o' ye 'at can rin. It's a' that he can do, but he does't weel.

And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite. The sons of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Meshech. And Arphaxad begat Shelah, and Shelah begat Eber. And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother's name was Joktan.

But it never give me the all-overs like it does now, some way. Guess I'll gether up a' armful o' wood, an' try to act unconcerned an' laws-a-mercy me! Ef to-day ain't been Christmas! My! my! my! An' it come an' gone befo' I remembered! I'll haf to lay this wood down ag'in an' think. I've had many a welcome Christmas gif' in my life, but the idee o' the good Lord a-timin' this like that!

"You dumbed citizen," said the Deacon angrily. He had been in camp long enough to catch the feeling of the men toward the Quartermaster's civilian employees. "This man shall ride in this wagon along side o' me, and you'll drive us into camp, or I'll find out the reason why. Now jest gether up your lines and start."

Can't you go out and gether up a lot o' niggers that we kin sell 'em?" "Sure," said Groundhog confidently. "Kin git all you want, if you'll pay for 'em. But what's this gang you've got with you?" "O, they're a batch for that blasted Abolition outfit, the 200th Injianny. Them two ornery galoots, Si and Shorty, whose necks I ought've broke when I was with the regiment, have brung 'em down.

I us' tu gether de turkey eggs an' guinea eggs an' sell 'em. I gits ten cents duzen fo' de eggs. Marse and Missus wuz English an' de count money like dis fo' pence, ha' penny. Whut I do with my money? Chile I saved it to buy myself a nankeen dress." "Yes mam we always had plenty to eat. What'd I like bes' to eat, waffl's, honey and stuffed sausage, but I spise possum and coon.